Linda Evangelista Shares Her Path to a Renewed Self: “I’m Done With Hiding”

2 years ago

Not so many people know that one of the most successful supermodels in the world, Linda Evangelista, was hiding from everyone and living as a hermit for almost 5 years. Finally, she’s ready to open up and share what actually happened to her.

In a recent interview, Evangelista shared, “I loved being up on the catwalk. Now I dread running into someone I know. I can’t live like this anymore, in hiding and shame. I just couldn’t live in this pain any longer. I’m willing to finally speak.”

Just one thing in her life dramatically changed, and she lost all sense of direction.

She always tried to stay in shape because this was her job. Once, after some treatments, she started noticing bulges at her chin, thighs, and chest area. Instead of shrinking, her problematic areas started to grow.

“I tried to fix it myself, thinking I was doing something wrong. I got to where I wasn’t eating at all. I thought I was losing my mind.”

imago/Horst Galuschka/EAST NEWS

The situation was getting worse and worse, and in 2016, she went to her doctor and was diagnosed with a rare side effect that occurred after receiving CoolSculpting treatments. The fat-freezing process caused the opposite to happen.

This is why Evangelista started to hide, depriving herself of a fulfilling life. “I don’t look in the mirror. It doesn’t look like me,” she said.


Years passed, and it took time to accept the situation. Today, she’s not afraid to appear on the covers of magazines with her new sense of self. “I hope I can shed myself of some of the shame and help other people who are in the same situation as me. That’s my goal.”

Have you ever felt that you were in a trap of your own inner conflicts? What helped you to defeat them?


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