Meg Ryan Responds to Trolls Who Said She Was “Unrecognizable” After Plastic Surgery

10 months ago

Meg Ryan has finally clapped back to haters who criticized her appearance and supposed plastic surgery. In a recent interview, Ryan acknowledged the headlines surrounding her appearance, and expressed what she thinks about it all.

In a candid interview, Meg Ryan addressed the media speculation surrounding her looks, particularly the accusations of a possible botched plastic surgery. While not explicitly confirming or denying any procedures, the 62-year-old actress didn’t hold back her thoughts on the subject.

“I can’t pay attention to it. I just can’t,” she said. “It’s not worth it. Of course that would hurt someone’s feelings, but there are so many more interesting things to think about. Meanness and hatred are just so stupid.”

Fortunately, Ryan reached a time in her life where she no longer tries to please others, and is always confindently herself, even if it means being brutally honest. “There’s a time in your teens and 20s where you’re trying on personalities to figure out who you are, who to be,” she explained. “With age, you get to a place where you say what you mean without thinking about how it’s going to land. You just say what you want.”

Columbia Pitures/AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, © What Happens Later / Prowess Pictures and co-producers

Talk about Ryan’s appearance began after stills from her latest movie, What Happens Later, which premiered on November, 2023, were released online. Although the film marked her return to the big screens as a romantic lead 15 years later, many chose to focus on her looks instead. “Great to see Meg Ryan back with her bread and butter but I wish she didn’t mess with her face,” one fan wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter).

Despite Meg never admitting to having any cosmetic procedures done, some people assume she did, including celebrity facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Rizk, who made headlines with this comment: “I think she had a bad facelift in the wrong direction, sideways, instead of vertical.”

Many celebrities are affected by plastic surgeries, whether directly or indirectly. Supermodel Linda Evangelista is one of them, but unfortunately her case is far more serious. According to her, she was left “brutally disfigured” by a cosmetic surgery and has been trying to recover mentally since then.

Preview photo credit Imagespace / Alamy Stock Photo, Columbia Pitures/AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News


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