
15 Times Twitter Could Have Won the Title of “Kingdom of Comedy”

15 Times Twitter Could Have Won the Title of “Kingdom of Comedy”
2 years ago

Twitter’s character limit (280 max) doesn’t seem to bother people in the least. In fact, it appears to make people extra hilarious. Of course, the power to concentrate high doses of humor in such few words isn’t everyone’s talent. But every day, countless short tales and thoughts go viral for how hysterical they are.

20+ Twitter Users Confessed the Worst Mistakes of Their Lives

20+ Twitter Users Confessed the Worst Mistakes of Their Lives
4 years ago

We’ve all done something stupid in our lives. That’s ALL OF US. Given the boldness of those who posted, knowing that they survived to tell the tale, makes some stories more surprising than others. Twitter user @ssoledad1983_ created a thread for other users to share their surreal exploits and some of those turned out to be shockingly astonishing.

20+ Twitter Users Shared Amusing Stories About Their Pets’ Names

20+ Twitter Users Shared Amusing Stories About Their Pets’ Names
4 years ago

For people who love their pets as if they were their children, deciding on a name for them can call for some serious creativity with no limits, and a thread on Twitter started by @mushenska is proof of this. There, users shared their own stories and some that they witnessed from friends in which a pet’s name stole the show.

Twitter Users Shared Their Happiest Moments of 2019

Twitter Users Shared Their Happiest Moments of 2019
4 years ago

At the end of the year, people sum up the results of the last 12 months which can be both inspiring and unpleasant. But it’s more effective and beneficial for our nervous system to focus only on the happiest moments. And that’s what these Twitter users decided to do.

Twitter Users Shared Their Toughest Romantic Rejections and Showed That Love Isn’t Always in the Air

Twitter Users Shared Their Toughest Romantic Rejections and Showed That Love Isn’t Always in the Air
4 years ago

Love doesn’t always offer a clear path. Sometimes it presents us with a road filled with high mountains, stormy trails, and an open abyss. And often, it just grants us with an unexpected stop sign. This happens when someone rejects us, and from that day on, it’s just us, until love gives us a new chance. And that’s the best thing about love: New beginnings. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to remember past rejections with humor.

20 Twitter Users Came Clean About the Naughty Things They Did as Children “Just to See What Would Happen”

20 Twitter Users Came Clean About the Naughty Things They Did as Children “Just to See What Would Happen”
Family & kids
2 years ago

When we’re children or sometimes young adults, we managed to do some things that were occasionally brave, and often somewhat dangerous. That’s what this Twitter user wanted to reflect upon by opening a thread about the “stupid experiments you people have done.” He recalled a particular one when he almost set his house on fire by leaving the kettle on.

16 Twitter Users Who Know How to Make Our Day

16 Twitter Users Who Know How to Make Our Day
4 years ago

There are people who never miss a chance to demonstrate their sense of humor wherever they are. In this article, we have collected the brightest examples of Twitter users’ sense of humor. If you wish to add to our funny collection, just leave your favorite jokes in the comments section below!

17 Tweets That Prove Every Day With Kids Is an Adventure in Chaos

17 Tweets That Prove Every Day With Kids Is an Adventure in Chaos
Family & kids
7 months ago

Parenthood is a journey unlike any other, a rollercoaster ride filled with moments of joy, frustration, laughter, and tears. In just 280 characters or fewer, Twitter users encapsulate the bundle of emotions that come with raising children. These 17 tweets offer a glimpse into the unpredictable and often chaotic world of parenthood. Strap in and get ready for a journey through the highs and lows of raising kids, one tweet at a time.

10 Tweets With Unexpected Endings You Wouldn’t Guess in a Million Years

10 Tweets With Unexpected Endings You Wouldn’t Guess in a Million Years
11 months ago

The art of crafting a captivating tweet often lies in the ability to grab attention swiftly and leave a lasting impression. In the world of today’s article, the unexpected takes center stage, defying the conventional and surprising even the most seasoned Twitter users. Buckle up as we embark on a journey through a collection of tweets that will keep you guessing until the very last character.

15+ Tweets That Celebrate the Beautiful Chaos of Parenting

15+ Tweets That Celebrate the Beautiful Chaos of Parenting

Join us for a fun and laughter-filled experience as we showcase a fresh set of amusing tweets from parents on Twitter. Shared by moms and dads, these posts highlight their children’s most comical and heartwarming moments. Get ready for a hilarious and entertaining ride as we delve into this delightful collection of parental quips.

14 Tweets From Parents Who Need a Break

14 Tweets From Parents Who Need a Break

Discover the joys and challenges of parenting as seasoned moms and dads share their invaluable wisdom on Twitter. Raising kids can be quite a journey, and these parents offer insights into how they navigate the daily struggles and triumphs of parenthood.

15 Top Hilarious Parenting Tweets of the Week

15 Top Hilarious Parenting Tweets of the Week

Enjoy a laughter-filled experience as we present the latest batch of hilariously entertaining tweets from parents on Twitter. Shared by moms and dads, these tweets capture their children’s funny and endearing moments. Prepare for a good laugh as we dive into the following collection of witty and charming parental quips.

15 of Ryan Reynolds’ Most Hilarious Tweets That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh Out Loud

15 of Ryan Reynolds’ Most Hilarious Tweets That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh Out Loud
2 years ago

Some people just have special abilities when it comes to making people laugh. With their unique sense of humor, they make our days a lot more entertaining. Ryan Reynolds is a famous example of this, and along with his wife Blake Lively, he always makes sure family life never gets dull. When he’s not pranking his wife, Reynolds shares his jokes and witty snippets with his Twitter followers.

15+ Tweets That Prove All Parents Are Actually the Same

15+ Tweets That Prove All Parents Are Actually the Same
Family & kids
2 years ago

Being a great parent can be extra fun when play is put into action. Psychology even tells us that being too serious as a mom or dad can take the joy out of the relationship. That’s why letting your kids take charge is the best way to go, with some moderation. And some parents can’t get enough of it.

20 Tweets Proving That Being Calm Is the Only Way to Raise Kids

20 Tweets Proving That Being Calm Is the Only Way to Raise Kids
Family & kids
2 years ago

There’s nothing better than a child’s love, or a parent’s humor about it. Parents on Twitter are more than happy to share the joys of parenting, and the good thing is that their readers get a cartload of giggles from it. Call it an art, or a science, but child-rearing has its moments, and these moms and dads are happy to share their highs and lows with the world.

20 Amusing Tweets That Made Us Say “That’s True!”

20 Amusing Tweets That Made Us Say “That’s True!”
2 years ago

The content people post on Twitter hits too close to home, and sometimes it makes us wonder if we are all living the same life. There are a lot of upsides to universal experiences, but one of the main reasons why we are grateful they exist is that we can all laugh at them together.

15 Tweets That Seem to Perfectly Summarize Our Life

15 Tweets That Seem to Perfectly Summarize Our Life
2 years ago

While philosophers try to summarize our life in wise quotes, some Twitter users cut loose and try to do this in their own funny way. And the most hilarious thing in their tweets is that all of us have found ourselves in a similar, or maybe even in the same, situation.

17 Tweets That Will Make Your Stomach Jiggle With Laughter

17 Tweets That Will Make Your Stomach Jiggle With Laughter
2 years ago

As of May 2022, around 10,033 tweets are posted on Twitter every second. The number is huge, and it shows just how much people like to share their thoughts with other users. It’s the best way to talk about something and have multiple people reply within seconds. And luckily, this is where we can find some of the most entertaining stories.

10+ Warm Tweets You Can Use as a Snuggly Teddy Bear on Chilly Days

10+ Warm Tweets You Can Use as a Snuggly Teddy Bear on Chilly Days
2 years ago

You have most likely experienced cutesy and enchanting moments with your loved ones or even strangers, and therefore you may connect with some of these stories that people on Twitter have shared. According to research, when we see something super cute, all of our senses unite — and it can make us more compassionate, and thus speed up our brain activity. From quirky efforts that family members make to the sweetest things children say, these sweet moments can pass by in the blink of an eye.

20 Parenting Tweets Proving Life With Kids Has No Dull Moments

20 Parenting Tweets Proving Life With Kids Has No Dull Moments
Family & kids
2 years ago

Nothing can truly prepare you for the transformation into a parent. It’s a 180-degree turn, and each parent has to find their own balance amidst the chaos. Thankfully, science now has every parent’s back, proving with research how “mom brain” is all too real and that there are changes in a dad’s brain as well. So the parental exhaustion is a real thing, exacerbated, of course.

25 Tweets That Help Us Remember Why We Love Kids

25 Tweets That Help Us Remember Why We Love Kids
Family & kids
2 years ago

Statistics show that around 500 million tweets are posted online every day. Among these, we are bound to find some that absolutely leave us crying from laughter, especially when it comes to kids. We’ve made it our mission to find the best ones, and this compilation is just that.

20 Tweets Showing That Kids Are Our Little Angels

20 Tweets Showing That Kids Are Our Little Angels
Family & kids
2 years ago

Children are the angels of the earth. Their vivid imagination and unfiltered thoughts reflect the kindness of their heart and the purity of their soul. And sometimes a small unconscious act from them or a random word out of their tiny mouth can introduce one big ray of sunshine into an adult’s dull day.

15 Tweets Proving You Need a Sense of Humor to Survive in a Marriage

15 Tweets Proving You Need a Sense of Humor to Survive in a Marriage
Family & kids
2 years ago

The positive effects of marriage are twice as strong on people who marry their best friend, according to a study. But that doesn’t mean sharing a life with them is always easy. That’s why a sense of humor is key to getting past those daily obstacles that might otherwise put a dent in the relationship. And Twitter is full of folks with incredible comedic skills.

16 Parenting Tweets That Show Life With Kids Is Never Dull

16 Parenting Tweets That Show Life With Kids Is Never Dull
Family & kids
2 years ago

Life with kids can sometimes cause stomachaches from laughing because they hissed at you when you asked for a piece of their dessert. And sometimes, it can be endless crying simply because you didn’t let them hit you with a mop. But one thing’s for sure, life with them will never be boring.

25 Tweets That Can Make You Clasp Your Hands and Say, “This Is So Me!”

25 Tweets That Can Make You Clasp Your Hands and Say, “This Is So Me!”
3 years ago

Adulthood is nothing like we imagined it would be as kids. And even though we’re doing our best, life can still bring us problems we all can relate to. But the good news is that these problems are often nothing but comedic. And it seems like Twitter users have mastered the art of creating oddly relatable stories out of them.