Mom and Dad Make an Incredible Sacrifice for Their Desperately Ill Daughters to Save Their Lives

Family & kids
7 months ago

Charlotte and Isabelle Baldock are girls, who live with a special health condition. The sisters have to take more than 10 medications, 3 times a day, to manage their illness. Their parents decided to make an outstanding act of sacrifice. All they strive for is to save their beloved kids’ lives, and seems like both parents have no fear and hesitation and bravely face the ordeal of destiny.

Both girls suffer from the same painful condition.

Sisters Charlotte and Isabelle Baldock, aged 14 and 12, suffer from chronic kidney disease. The girls currently manage their condition with a cocktail of more than 10 pills every single day.

This state means that kidney transplant will be inevitable for both of the young ladies.

Isabelle was diagnosed when she was 6 weeks old, and her sister received the same diagnosis in less than 24 hours after she was born.

“With Charlotte, it was like: ‘ohh, we know what we’re going through again, we know what this poor baby is going to go through again’,” mum Renee Baldock says in her interview.

The girls’ parents are now living with an aim to save their kids’ lives at any cost.

Father of the girls, Shane, turned to be a match for both daughters, and their mum turned to be a match only for Isabelle. “I guess my genes were the ones that caused it in the first place, so to be able to be a match and help them out of it, it makes it a better feeling for sure,” Shane Baldock revealed.

Now the mother is preparing to donate her kidney to Isabelle within a year. The girl’s kidney function has already gone down to a critical 18% mark. “Once we get to 15 percent for Izzy... then they will start planning the actual transplant, which is about a three-month plan,” Renee explained.

For both parents, it has never been a question of whether they would donate their organs to their kids.

“Looking forward to seeing that day when she’s wondering why she feels so good, yeah, it will be a good feeling I think,” the dad says in his interview.

And here’s yet another inspirational story from a celebrity world. It proves real friends do exist, and tells how Selena Gomez got a kidney transplant from a real friend of hers.

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