My Daughter Doesn’t Want Me to Walk Her Down the Aisle, So I’m Not Paying for Her Wedding

Family & kids
11 months ago

Being a parent means having a lot on your plate, but as kids grow up, we gotta let them make their own way and decisions. Sure, there might be moments when their choices don’t match what we want as parents. Like this dad who won’t walk his daughter down the aisle because she’s going with her own instincts. To handle this, we’ve thought about some ways to make things better.

Thank you for your letter. We appreciate your trust in seeking advice from Bright Side. While we want to clarify that our advice is not professional in nature, we have scoured the internet to find some helpful pointers that we hope may ease your situation. It’s clear that the matter you’re facing is important and impactful, and we want to offer our support as you navigate through it.

Remember that every situation is unique, and what works for one may not work for another, but we hope that the following suggestions may provide some insights.

  • Separate love from financial decisions: Your decision not to pay for the wedding was intended to convey your feelings rather than to be punitive. However, try to separate financial matters from emotional ones. Let her know that your love for her is unconditional, regardless of the wedding arrangements.
  • Focus on the bigger picture: Remember that a wedding is just one event in a lifetime of a parent-child relationship. Don’t let this single disagreement overshadow the love and bond you share. Cherish the moments and memories you’ve created together, and focus on maintaining a strong, loving connection.
  • Express your emotions constructively: It’s natural to feel hurt or uncertain about her decision, and it’s okay to share those emotions. However, be mindful of how you express them, ensuring your feelings are communicated constructively rather than through blame or guilt.
  • Respect her autonomy: It’s clear that you already value your daughter’s independence and free-thinking nature. Continue to uphold this principle and respect her right to make choices about her own life, even if they differ from your expectations. Recognize that her decision not to have you walk her down the aisle is a reflection of her values and beliefs, and it’s important to respect that.
  • Consider compromise: While your daughter’s decision is essential to her, there might be ways to find a middle ground or compromise on certain aspects of the wedding. Explore possibilities where you can both feel comfortable and respected. Your daughter may not want to be “given away” in the traditional sense, but you could discuss alternative ways you can be involved in the wedding ceremony. For example, she could invite you to give a heartfelt speech or have a special father-daughter dance during the reception.
  • Open dialogue with her partner: Encourage your daughter to have an open conversation with her partner about her decision and its significance. It’s essential for both partners to understand and support each other’s feelings on such important matters.
  • Professional mediation: If communication stalls or emotions run high, consider seeking the guidance of a professional mediator or family counselor. They can help facilitate productive conversations and support both of you in navigating this situation.

Remember, the foundation of any strong relationship is built on love, understanding, and mutual respect. By approaching this situation with empathy and an open mind, you can strengthen your bond with your daughter and find a resolution that honors both her independence and your emotions.

Handling parental issues like this is tough, and this isn’t the only instance. There are other similar situations where financial matters come into play with kids, which can provide more insight into this matter.


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Don't pay for the wedding and don't attend. That way, your daughter won't be offended by misogynist traditions.


Marriage tradition is changing. They have even taken out the 'obey your husband'in the vows for most couples.

Suprise women are tired of feeling like property going from their father to their husband. I realise that this is upsetting to some but instead of thinking about her feelings on the subject you just went to money, enforcing the idea that she really is only property to you.

This sweet tradition isn't sweet to her.
Do you think that you will get your way now? Will you be happy if she does cave and let you 'give her away' for money? By your actions you have proven her point that she is an object being purchased and sold.
Rather then talking to her about it calmly or making a reasonable compromise you are still having a Father daughter dance right?

You may not even get an invite to the wedding at this point.
How far do you want to take this? What's really important here? Your feelings and hurt pride, or her feelings on her wedding day?


Daughter too immature to get married if she can't even understand what a tradition is. A father giving his daughter away is a tradition, just like tossing the bouquet and wearing white.


The thing is, she's exactly right. The tradition of giving away the bride can be seen as a sexist and misogynistic practice.

And guess what? So is daddy funding a WHOLE wedding for his baby girl! As a fully grown, mature, independent adult who is grown enough to decide her beliefs and to get married, she can fund her own wedding! Period!

If you stand for a principle, you cannot cherry pick the parts that suit you, you need to go the distance. These are the twits produced when everyone gets a participation trophy.


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