I Discovered That I’m Being Tracked — My World Fell Apart in an Instant

I’ve been hanging out with the same group of girlfriends since high school, a total of five of us. They all have kids, except me. We used to go out for dinner once a month, but recently, <strong>the group decided to hire a babysitter so we could have a night out without the kids. It costs $100 for 2–3 hours of babysitting.
After dinner, we take turns paying the bill, and then they all head back to the babysitter’s place to pick up the kids. This week, it was my turn to pay, so I did. But when I got home, I got a bunch of angry texts from the group saying I owed $100 for the babysitter. I was confused because I thought I’d already paid for dinner.
Their explanation? Since it was my turn to pay, I should also cover the babysitter’s fee because «we all get to enjoy a night out without kids.» But I argued, «I don’t have kids. Why should I pay for your babysitter?» They said, «You still get to hang out with us without kids.» I’m refusing to pay, but my friends think I’m being unfair.
No one actually talked to me about covering the babysitter’s fees. They all just assumed I would be okay with continuing to exchange payments every week, even including the new costs. It’s puzzling to me why they made that assumption without discussing it with me first. Am I wrong for refusing to pitch in for babysitting when I don’t have any kids?
Check out this story about a woman who courageously shared with her mother-in-law that she has a secret child from a past relationship, and how her mother-in-law’s reaction brought her to tears.