My Husband Forgot About the Baby Monitor Turned On, and I Accidentally Revealed What He Was Up To

2 hours ago

Andrea, 34, believed that she knew everything about her husband, Jake. The woman got used to her spouse's behavior, habits and preferences. And no wonder that she started worrying when her significant other changed a lot in a blink of an eye. Thanks to the modern technologies, Andrea was able to reveal the reason for her husband's weird behavior. And a baby monitor helped her a lot in this investigation.

Andrea wrote a letter to our editorial and shared her incredible story with us.

Andrea, 34, is our devoted reader. The woman confessed that she loves Bright Side for an immense wave of positivity and optimism that our life articles bring to her life. Now, Andrea decided to share her mind-boggling story with us, and we're sure it'll provoke the most unexpected emotions in our readers. Just the way it did for us.

The woman opened her letter, saying, "Hi Bright Side! I'm happily married to the love of my life, Jake, 35, for over 10 years now. He's my everything, my sunshine, my unwavering rock, and my destiny. I never had any trust issues, or jealousy, or any kind of suspicions towards my husband, up until recently."

"One little thing changed him so much that I couldn't just ignore the change in him. And I must admit that I immediately started suspecting the worst. This was a tough period in my life, and really bizarre things were happening."

It all started with an innocent, yet a very special gift.

Andrea goes on with her story, saying, "We had our first baby last year. Recently, my MIL gifted our daughter a very special, unique present. After this, my husband's behavior changed a lot. I was worried about him.
Last night, our little daughter started crying. I checked the baby monitor, and, to my shock, I saw my husband not calming down our kid, but holding my MIL's gift in his arms, cuddling it like a baby. This was looking weird, I thought that he lost his mind."

"The gift was a knitted blanket, so soft that it felt like a mother's touch. When I first saw it, I loved the pattern and the unique knitting style it was made in. My MIL presented this blanket to her sweet grandchild, with a lot of love and care. It was obvious that she spent an immense amount of time choosing the material for it and then making it by hand."

"I remember how I even made a couple of comments about how I loved the coziness of this blanket, and I also jokingly said once how I felt kind of jealous of my baby. And now my husband was holding this blanket like his own child, instead of calming his own crying baby down."

Jake's behavior was getting even more weird.

Andrea wrote, "On that night, I didn't tell Jake that I saw him on a baby monitor. I didn't confront him about his weird behavior, either. But soon after this accident, he started behaving in an even more weird manner."

"He would sneak out of the house, without saying a word, without explaining to me where he went. I started suspecting that he was either going insane or was having an affair. And I didn't know what was worse."

"My numerous attempts to confront him about his weird behavior were useless. He didn't want to explain anything and just smiled, in a very bizarre way, like a Cheshire Cat. And kept saying that I will know everything when the right time comes. I was hopeless."

Andrea caught her husband one more time on a baby monitor.

Andrea wrote, "I didn't want to spy after Jake, but the opportunity for me to find out the truth presented itself accidentally. One night, our child started crying, again. She lost her pacifier and Jake was there with her in her room at that time. I checked the baby monitor to see if Jake was trying to calm her down, and then I saw Jake lulling her to sleep."

"Then, my husband returned to where he was sitting before our daughter started crying. He went to the corner of her room, sat down on the floor, and there was a pile of chunky yarn around him. Jake was knitting.
My sweet husband was making me a blanket, the same as his mother presented to our daughter and which I liked so much. Only my blanket was supposed to be full-size. Made by my husband, who learned to knit to make something nice for me, to please me with his creation."

"He even learned that intricate style of knitting that was used to make my baby's blanket. And he spent an enormous amount of time looking for the right yarn, watching the YouTube knitting tutorials, consulting my MIL on knitting patterns and techniques. He didn't just ask her to make the similar blanket for me. He wanted to make it on his own."

"Now, I feel guilty and happy at the same time. Guilty, because I doubted my man's feelings, I suspected him of doing something really bad. Happy, because I can boast with having the best husband in the Universe, who has recently presented me with the most adorable blanket, just like my daughter's."

And here's yet another story about a woman, who didn't even intend to play Sherlock, but after finding a tampon in her husband's car, she had to. And her revelation was mind-stirring.

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