
MrBeast’s Net Worth: Rise of YouTube Star Who Gives Away Millions of Dollars to Strangers

MrBeast’s Net Worth: Rise of YouTube Star Who Gives Away Millions of Dollars to Strangers
5 months ago

Meet Jimmy Donaldson, aka MrBeast, the 25-year-old YouTube sensation. He’s not just another content creator, he’s one of the most-watched and highest-earning folks on the platform. In his early days, Donaldson gained widespread attention with viral videos that involved undertaking remarkable challenges, such as reading the entire dictionary or counting from zero to 100,000 continuously for 40 hours. But here’s the cool part — lately, he’s become the philanthropy king of YouTube. A notable example is a video in which he “cures” the blindness of 1,000 people by covering the expenses for their eye surgeries. Thanks to his daring challenges and generous giveaways, MrBeast has successfully amassed a staggering 234 million subscribers on his channel, making him the most subscribed creator in the history of YouTube.

How Teen Wolf Cast Changed During the Years

How Teen Wolf Cast Changed During the Years
4 months ago

It’s astonishing how quickly time has passed in recent years. Looking back, it’s hard to believe that 2011 was a whole 13 years ago, marking the release of the first Teen Wolf episode. While our beloved characters may seem timeless in our memories, a closer examination reveals how the passage of time has left its mark on them as well.

Drone Captures Rare Images of Isolated People Who Are Cut Off From the World

Drone Captures Rare Images of Isolated People Who Are Cut Off From the World
5 months ago

G. Miranda’s breathtaking photographs, captured for Survival International, offer a rare glimpse into the secluded existence of various uncontacted tribes worldwide. From the enigmatic Sentinelese on North Sentinel Island, India, to the Amazon tribes near Brazil’s Javari River valley bordering Peru, these images provide a captivating aerial view.

30 Best Cooking Shows That Will Transform Your Home Cooking Into Michelin-Starred Restaurant

30 Best Cooking Shows That Will Transform Your Home Cooking Into Michelin-Starred Restaurant
5 months ago

Are you ready to elevate your home cooking skills to Michelin-starred levels? Look no further than our curated list of the 30 Best Cooking Shows! From culinary adventures around the world to innovative cooking techniques, these shows offer a wealth of inspiration and expert guidance. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just starting out in the kitchen, these programs will transform your cooking experience and leave you feeling like a gourmet chef in your own home.

12 True Events That Prove Spirits Can Be Real

12 True Events That Prove Spirits Can Be Real
5 months ago

While some say ghosts and spirits aren’t real, certain life experiences make us rethink this belief. The stories we’re sharing today involve people sensing or seeing the spirit of a loved one or encountering eerie events they can’t completely explain. Regardless of your belief in these occurrences, one thing is certain — they’ll all send shivers down your spine.

I’m a Psychiatrist and Here’re the Clues on How to Spot a Psychopath in Your Surrounding

I’m a Psychiatrist and Here’re the Clues on How to Spot a Psychopath in Your Surrounding
8 months ago

We all probably wondered at least several times in our life on how to spot a wrong person with bad intentions. A psychiatrist has listed some things that may be valuable knowledge in a fascinating video on YouTube. Dr Sohom Das, 44, owns a channel where he covers a range of mental health and safety-related topics. This time he impressed his audience with some tips on how to actually spot a psychopath and stay safe from ill-intended people.

YouTuber Mr Beast Builds 100 Drinking Water Wells in Africa

YouTuber Mr Beast Builds 100 Drinking Water Wells in Africa
8 months ago

A recent video by famous YouTuber MrBeast went viral after he travelled to Kenya and other various parts of Africa in order to build 100 drinking water wells. The massive project, which cost over thousands of dollars, will give over half a million people access to clean drinking water.

Lenny Kravitz’s Steamy New Music Video Leaves Fans Refusing to Believe He’s Almost 60

Lenny Kravitz’s Steamy New Music Video Leaves Fans Refusing to Believe He’s Almost 60
9 months ago

Leonard Albert Kravitz started his music career at 25 with the song Let Love Rule in 1989. Since then, he’s been making music non-stop. His popular hits like American Woman, Fly Away, and I Belong to You made him famous worldwide.Today, the rockstar is 59 years old, and his latest music video had fans swooning over his youthful appearance. Kravitz himself responded to fans and revealed his well-kept secrets to looking so fit.

I Was So Ugly Until I Spent $30K to Get a New Face

I Was So Ugly Until I Spent $30K to Get a New Face
9 months ago

Nowadays more and more people, celebrities and the common folk alike, are deciding to be honest about any cosmetic procedures they had done. Mia Dio, a 22-year-old influencer from Miami, decided to share her plastic surgery journey.

A Viral Video Shows How Crab Sticks Are Really Made, and Thousands of People Burst With Gastric Shock

A Viral Video Shows How Crab Sticks Are Really Made, and Thousands of People Burst With Gastric Shock
year ago

There’s a famous saying: everyone wants to eat sausages, but nobody wants to know how they are made. Probably, a lot of people could say this about crab sticks, too. At least, after watching a viral video that shows how these super-delicious snacks are made. But just in case your curiosity is very strong, we’ll show you how crab sticks get from the sea to your plate.

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter
year ago

Sandwich bread is not entirely ‘real’ bread, water can boil and freeze at the same time, bananas are berries that grow in grass... Believe these or not, but let me ask you: did you know water can be wetter than it is in nature? Find it out in this article!

A Man Unmasks His Wife in the Middle of a Baby Shower and Wins the Respect of His Family

A Man Unmasks His Wife in the Middle of a Baby Shower and Wins the Respect of His Family

Gender reveal parties are causing a lot of controversy, especially in the case of this couple. What should have been a moment of joy and excitement turned into a nightmare. As family and friends gathered to find out whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, the father-to-be inadvertently revealed something else.In a dramatic twist that left everyone in shock, this brave and heartbroken man shared with everyone present the shocking news that his wife was being unfaithful.

What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Dinosaurs

What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Dinosaurs
year ago

BOOM! An explosion of supersonic waves, interplanetary heat, dust, fumes... The Earth’s atmosphere has been invaded by a cosmic rock the size of Everest! A few seconds ago, this rock, weighing trillions of tons, was hurtling towards Earth. It could fly from New York to Anchorage faster than you could fry yourself an omelet! This monster’s name? The Chicxulub incident. Epic name, right!66 million years ago, it crashed into the Earth. Back then, dinosaurs ruled the planet. But not for long! The epic collision took place in modern Mexico, in the Yucatán Peninsula, right near Cancun, where the dinosaurs were vacationing! Well probably not. Still, the huge space rock hit the ocean, but even all that water couldn’t stop the inevitable.The collision caused a huge amount of energy to be released. The horror on a planetary scale had begun! Imagine a mini sun lighting up the surface of the Earth, with tsunamis the height of the Statue of Liberty bursting from the epicenter of the watery impact. Hmm. Not good.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Celebrate 35 Years Together and Reveal the Secret to Their Happy Marriage

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Celebrate 35 Years Together and Reveal the Secret to Their Happy Marriage

Meeting for the first time on the set of the TV show, Bosom Buddies, in the 1980s, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been together ever since. On April 30, 2023, the couple celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, marking over 3 decades of love, commitment, and devotion. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Wilson shared a touching tribute to her husband. In this article, we’ll explore the secrets behind their happy marriage and what we can learn from their enduring love story.

13 Former Child Stars Who We Watched Grow Up Are Turning 30 in 2023

13 Former Child Stars Who We Watched Grow Up Are Turning 30 in 2023
year ago

There are some actors who we associate with roles they played when they were really young, so they are always children in our minds. However, time flies fast, and now some of these actors are about to turn 30 years old. Let’s see how much they’ve changed from the images we have of them in our heads.

A Man Who Grew Up Without a Father Now Gives Dad Advice to Kids Who Need It

A Man Who Grew Up Without a Father Now Gives Dad Advice to Kids Who Need It
year ago

Rob Kenney, a Seattle dad of 2 who grew up without a father, now has nearly 4.3 million YouTube subscribers to his channel, Dad, How Do I? On his channel, Kenney gives kids practical advice on how to shave, make biscuits, and iron a shirt. He even reads stories to kids. But what makes the entire channel, the man behind it, and the reason it suddenly went viral so unique is the backstory and the admirable goal of the videos. “I’m happy to share what I know, since a lot of it, I learned the hard way,” Kenney says.

18 Times When the Phrase “Don’t Tell Your Mother” Was the Beginning of an Unforgettable Story

18 Times When the Phrase “Don’t Tell Your Mother” Was the Beginning of an Unforgettable Story

A shared secret always causes a feeling of companionship, especially between parent and child. While some children may not be able to keep their mouths shut for long, it often makes the situation even funnier; unless the “revelation” is accompanied by a scolding. However, those moments remain engraved in our memories for years, warming our hearts every time we recall them.

6 Stars With a Heart of Gold Who Stood by Other Celebs

6 Stars With a Heart of Gold Who Stood by Other Celebs
year ago

Sometimes, something that may seem like a small gesture or good deed to you, can change someone else’s life for the better. Many of our favorite celebrities have expressed gratitude to the stars who helped them before they hit the big time. Their stories prove that kindness and mentoring the next generation can make a huge impact and teach lessons that will be remembered for a lifetime.

20 Random Facts That Will Instantly Make You Feel Smarter

20 Random Facts That Will Instantly Make You Feel Smarter
year ago

With all its oddities, inventions, and natural wonders, our world can be a pretty amazing place. And just when you think you learned everything there is to know, you come across bits of trivia that catch you by surprise. Knowing some of these fun facts probably won’t advance our everyday lives much, but they’ll surely make any conversation a lot more interesting. And yes, knowing them can actually make you (feel) smarter.

15 People Share “Scary” Stories That Were Ruined by Reality

15 People Share “Scary” Stories That Were Ruined by Reality
year ago

It’s awesome to have great imagination, but sometimes it can pull tricks on us. Cozy nights can easily turn into a real horror movie. Some of these situations were so out of this world, not even Stephen King could compete with them. How great it is though to realize you were just making a mountain out of a molehill?

10 Transgender Celebs Who Have Broken Barriers for Themselves and Others

10 Transgender Celebs Who Have Broken Barriers for Themselves and Others
2 years ago

Our society is luckily becoming more tolerant, and transgender celebrities started getting more opportunities to shine. There may still be a long way to go to achieve proper trans representation in all spheres of media, but these celebrities on the list are making the road seem shorter by achieving incredible heights.

Justin Bieber Stands Up for His Wife Against Internet Trolls and Shows the World How Supportive He Is

Justin Bieber Stands Up for His Wife Against Internet Trolls and Shows the World How Supportive He Is
2 years ago

Facing Internet trolls is a very common issue in today’s world, with more and more people harassing others on social media, causing strong emotional issues. Celebrities are the biggest victims of this act, as they are extensively exposed to all kinds of comments from fans, like model Hailey Baldwin who has had more than her fair share of Internet trolls since she became Mrs. Bieber.

15 Celebrities Who Became Famous by Accident

15 Celebrities Who Became Famous by Accident
2 years ago

It’s hard to imagine Brad Pitt wearing a chicken costume instead of being filmed in another blockbuster, it’s also hard to imagine Pamela Anderson as a fitness instructor at the gym instead of doing commercial photo sessions. However, these scenarios could’ve been true if these and some other celebrities were not lucky enough to turn up in the right place at the right time.

18 People Shared Emotional Personal Stories With Completely Unexpected Endings

18 People Shared Emotional Personal Stories With Completely Unexpected Endings
2 years ago

Most of us have probably had at least one of those special moments in our lives that have rendered us speechless and overwhelmed with emotion. Whether it was with our kids, parents, or loved ones, those memories tend to stay with us the longest.We at Bright Side found stories from people on the net that made our hearts melt and we want you to feel as warm as we did while reading them.

How People Get Famous for Seemingly Nothing and Why People Obsess Over Them

How People Get Famous for Seemingly Nothing and Why People Obsess Over Them
2 years ago

Usually, when pronouncing the word “celebrity” or “star” we imply a person who succeeded in a certain area such as cinematography, sports, singing, etc. However, sometimes, everyone seems to know a person but no one can say what this person is famous for. This phenomenon even has a special term — famous for being famous. It is slightly dismissive since it is used in relation to stars who have gained popularity not because of their talent but simply because of their frequent appearance in the media.