Have a heart-to heart when your spouse isn't upset and make him part of strategies to prevent that sort of invasion from happening again.
My Husband Wants Me to Stop Teaching Yoga Because Men “Check Me Out”
Some people feel torn between their passions and their relationships, and one of our readers is facing exactly that. She teaches yoga to both men and women and loves her job, but her husband is uncomfortable with the attention she receives. Now, she finds herself caught between her career and her marriage.
Our reader sent us a message.

Thank you for reaching out to us! We truly understand how challenging it can be to balance your passions with your relationships. We hope our advice can help you find the right path forward.
Find a middle ground.
Maybe suggest implementing a rule where you don’t give out your personal number or allow recording during class unless it’s for marketing purposes. This could help reassure your husband while still keeping your professional boundaries intact.
Set boundaries with your husband.
Have an honest conversation where you explain that your job is professional, and the attention you get comes with the territory. Let him know that you respect his feelings, but your job involves interactions with clients, and you're not there for flirtation but to teach.
See if you can address the outfit issue.
Change the narrative around the situation.
Frame the attention you get as a sign of respect for your teaching, not an objectification of your body. If your husband can understand that this is part of your success and not something to be uncomfortable with, it may help ease his concerns.
Sometimes, saying "no" to a simple request can snowball into a family drama you never expected. In this article, our reader's sister asked her to babysit during an emergency, but she had to turn it down due to a date. Her refusal sparked a chain of events that left our reader feeling embarrassed and misunderstood by the entire family.

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