My Vicious Mother-In-Law Fell Into the Trap She Set for Me

Having a best friend is sometimes even more meaningful than having a sibling. Friends are people, who are supposed to share not only the most triumphant moments of our lives, but also to be with us at our lowest. Our today's protagonist didn't see much of respect and attention from her best friends, and none of them ever wanted to share special moments of their lives with her. But everything changed when the woman became engaged herself, as she discovered the ugliest faces of people who neglected her, but expected to be treated with respect in return.
Anna, our 33-year-old reader, wanted us to publish her confession and all she wanted was to read some opinions of our readers, as well as pieces of advice from people regarding her tricky relationship with her friends and her final choice.
The woman opened her letter, saying, "Hi, Bright Side! I want to know people's opinions on my bizarre and somewhat frustrating situation that I'm currently facing. I am 33, and I have 5 best friends, whom I met over the years. They're all older than me, but not significantly. 3 of them are male and 2 are female. We've been in a very warm and cordial relationship with one another, and we meet each other as one big team often enough."
"I can say that I've always considered all of them not ordinary friends or pals, but really best friends, because we've been through many things together and each of them could always count on me, my helping hand, my shoulder to cry on and all necessary support that they all needed at different times. For me, it has never been a big deal to babysit their kids, and they often helped me with money, because there were tough times when I was so broken that I could hardly make both ends meet.
Hard times for me are gone, but there was a certain thing that suddenly came from the past and became the factor that is now spoiling my relationship with everyone."
Anna wrote, "All of my friends are already married, and some of them even have kids, whom I used to babysit occasionally. Despite being a very friendly team, I was never invited to any of my friends' weddings."
"To be fair, I understand them and I don't blame anyone of anything. I was unemployed at the times of their weddings and really couldn't give them nice presents and all. I even used to lend money from some of my friends, but I always paid my debts. So, when they all were getting married, I couldn't offer much other than taking up space for someone who could give them really amazing wedding presents.
For real, I don't have a single issue with not being invited. I know for sure that I personally wouldn't have done this to any of them at their lowest, but I absolutely respect them and their choice."
"We still get along very well, and I've never mentioned to any of them that they did something wrong. I talk to some of them daily and others at least 3–4 times a week, and we have a group chat on WhatsApp, where we all share our photos, including those of their wedding ceremonies and stuff."
Anna shared, "After a relatively long period of really tough life, I finally managed to get a decent job. I had been working hard to achieve what I now have, and I'm even saving to buy my own apartment. In my private life, there have also been quite positive changes. I met a man of my dreams while on a business trip, and we fell in love with each other instantly."
"Only 5 months after we started dating, Josh, my now fiancée, proposed to me and I said yes without a single hesitation. So, I'm engaged now, and I'm really happy, but, to my shock, my best friends started to spoil my life with their nasty comments and behavior. I honestly can't believe that such important people in my life would suddenly turn into a bunch of stress for me instead of just being happy for me in my brightest times. And the problem is my coming wedding day."
Anna wrote, "They created a separate WhatsApp group to angrily ask why I didn't even tell them I am engaged. In my turn, I asked them why I would?
They all were taken aback, but I explained to all of them that I didn't think we were the types of friends that did that. They actually didn't tell me about their engagements and their weddings, I found out only after they had some parties and the ceremonies. So, I asked them why they expected me to do another thing. Suddenly, our group video call ended."
"One of my friends later came to me privately. He started telling me that he doesn't know why he didn't invite me because we are such close friends (and have always been). He even said that he has always regretted it, and proudly informed me that I am the first name he put down for their 5-year-anniversary celebration."
"I honestly feel and understand that this whole situation is shady. But I don't really care about it. I was hurt at the time, but I was able to let go of my entitlement to my friends' lives. So I never asked them about their weddings.
I congratulated each of them and always wished them the best. I never asked them why I wasn't invited. Still, I don't want any of them at my wedding. I have invited some of our other mutual friends that I want at my wedding, but I don't want my best friends to come to me. Am I wrong here?"
And here's a story of a woman, whose best friend didn't ignore her and did invite her to her special day. But the woman's confession about her friend's nasty behavior suggests us that she wishes she'd never ever come to that wedding. Read more to find out why a best friend's wedding turned out to be the worst day of our heroine's life.