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By 2010, when Pink announced she was pregnant with her first child, the singer already had at least 10 hit songs and 5 albums released. For others in the music industry who wanted her to further her career, the idea of her having children wasn’t met with kindness. In an interview, she decided to open up about how her motherhood journey started in a rocky way but changed her for the better.
In an interview for the podcast, The Zane Lowe Show, Pink revealed how fellow members of the music scene reacted negatively to the news of her wanting to create a family. “Everyone told me, ’If you have children right now, your career’s over,’” the singer recalled.
The American singer, whose real name is Alecia Moore, went even further by implying that it was assumed that her artistic persona was all there was to her and explained the positive impact having children actually had on her career.
“Obviously, we’re all much more complex than any of that, but when I had a child, I think it softened me to the world, the part that didn’t understand me,” she said. “And I think that’s when my career began, really. I mean, I did a lot of stuff before that, but really, truly, I think it’s when I started to really understand myself and understand the world and my place in it.”
While growing up, Moore had a complex relationship with her mother, who was an ER nurse and was often absent from home. “We raised ourselves mostly,” Pink admitted in a 2021 interview. However, things took a turn for the worse during the singer’s teenage years, a time when their relationship evolved into what the singer called a “terrible” state.
Now, in her own podcast episode with Zane Lowe, she admitted that it was her tough experience from her early years that drove her to wish for a chance to try doing it differently with her own kids. “Having a family was really important to me because my family life was screwed as a kid, and I’m super affectionate and cuddly and goofy,” she revealed.
Pink, who shares 2 kids with her husband, Carey Hart, was also honest about the fact that solely focusing on her career didn’t fulfill her and how she doesn’t regret her decision to become a mom. “Just doing music wasn’t enough for me. I was so lonely. It’s a very lonely business,” she explained.
“I love writing songs. I love singing songs. I love performing. Sitting with a guitar is one of my favorite things I’ll ever do, but cuddling with my babies and taking them camping and being dirty for 3 days is also one of the coolest things I’ll ever do.”