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From a notorious bad boy to a family man who’s been happily married for decades, Rob Lowe’s (58) romance with makeup artist Sheryl Berkoff (61) seems like it’s been written in the stars. The actor acknowledged that the love of his life saved his life, making him a better person. And after many long years together, their relationship seems to only grow stronger, turning this couple into one of Hollywood’s most authentic and sturdy duos.
Bright Side wants to share a golden story that proves finding true love can help us become better versions of ourselves.
If we’re really destined to be with a person, love can happen at second sight. And when the 19-year-old Rob Lowe and 22-year-old Sheryl Berkoff were set up on a blind date in 1983, the young pair didn’t really hit it off. Berkoff then had a brief romance with Keanu Reeves, while Lowe was linked to a number of Hollywood stars, including Melissa Gilbert and Winona Ryder.
However, 6 years later, faith brought them together once again. This time it was on the set of the thriller, Bad Influence, where Lowe was playing the leading man, and Berkoff was, by then, a renowned makeup artist working on the film. This time, however, things were different, and it was the start of an ever-blossoming romance.
But things weren’t all that sweet and perfect for the young couple. In fact, at that time, Lowe was known to be one of Hollywood’s bad boys. He had it all — fame, youth, and dashing good looks — but it came with a lot of trouble. The rising star was notoriously known for his crazy partying and was constantly surrounded by women.
Berkoff, however, managed to steal his heart, and he knew that if he didn’t change his lifestyle, their relationship wouldn’t survive. The actor was determined to make it work though, so recovery was his only option. He even admitted, ’’I had the feeling that if I was ever going to be able to make it work with anybody, it was Sheryl.’’
So it was on May 10, 1990, precisely, that he turned his life around and went to rehab, leaving his wild days far behind. The actor stated that recovery allowed him to rediscover his authentic self. He noted, “You start living your actual values and living as who you truly are.”
A year later, the couple tied the knot. Lowe eventually described his marriage as one of life’s greatest “miracles.” He went on, saying, “She saw things in me that nobody had ever seen before.”
The couple became parents in 1993 to a son, and 2 years later, another boy arrived to expand the lovely family.
After 33 years together, this inspiring couple is still going strong, making their marriage one of the rare long-lasting relationships in Hollywood. The enamored actor never misses a chance to express his admiration for his soulmate and loves to praise her. For their thirty-first anniversary, he shared, ’’I still think she’s the [...] most beautiful, insane, complicated, entertaining person that I know, in addition to being a great mother.’’
There is no doubt that these 2 are a match made in heaven, and while sometimes passion fades with time, it seems that the hardships they faced in the beginning helped their relationship grow stronger and deeper. In fact, the lucky husband recently admitted, ’’She may have saved my life, really.’’ And we imagine it is hard to top this kind of bond.
But it seems their passion isn’t the most crucial factor in the longevity of a marriage, according to Lowe. When asked about the secret to their long years of marriage, he answered, ’’If there’s any way to marry your best friend, do it. Cause the rest of it comes and goes, and I was very lucky there."
Do you agree that love can save us when we’re at our lowest point?