9 Unexpected Things That Show a Marriage Won’t Last Long

Not all couples realize that effort from both partners is needed in family life. In accordance with this data, around 40.7% of European marriages end in divorce in less than 10 years. A study by Slater and Gordon Lawyers identified which year of marriage is the happiest and which is the hardest.
We at Bright Side would like to highlight the factors that can become reasons for divorce.
There is an opinion that love lives for only 3 years. Then a couple breaks up or their relationship becomes less ideal than before. In reality, after 3 years in a relationship, people are more inclined to accept their partner’s weaknesses and, thus, feel more comfortable.
It is also common that in the third year of family life a couple decides to have a baby. Consequently, their relationship becomes stronger. It is the third year of marriage that is believed to be the happiest.
The first real problems can start in the fifth year of family life. During this period of time, the children are still small and demand a lot of attention. This is very hard to combine with work, housekeeping, and other everyday problems.
It is after 5 years together that couples start thinking about divorce and turn to lawyers. This year is believed to be the hardest.
If a couple stays together after 5 years of marriage, then another barrier is waiting for them to overcome. It is the seventh year of family life, which specialists call “the 7-year itch.” By this time, family life becomes routine. There might also be financial issues, childcare issues, and quarrels about sharing household responsibilities.
This is a very complicated period. If the spouses manage to get through it hand in hand, then a strong and happy marriage will be ahead of them.
Avoid making these mistakes and you will live a long and happy life together.