16 Stories That Prove Love Will Always Beat the Odds When You Meet the Right Person

Look at this awesome plow one Reddit user found in the middle of a forest! They said it was about 12 ft tall and 30 ft long. It was most likely used to pull ditches in local swamps.
This user found a pretty cute WALL-E made from old car parts and scrap metal just outside his mechanic’s shop. Do you think the poor robot got there because it needed some repair?
Is this rock... hiding inside the other? One person found this unusual couple on a beach. Is this where baby rocks come from? Well, if we look at it from the scientific point of view, the process that created these rocks is called concretion. Or, in other words, mineralization of some substance inside a hollow rock of different nature.
Now, how about this amazing discovery? Winter’s coming, and this working 1-person sauna will definitely come in handy! At a price of $100, it’s quite affordable.
This Reddit user was greeted with an unexpected view when they opened a can of Pringles. This chip is definitely unlike any other — look at how thick and bumpy it is! It sure does have a personality!
Look at this absolutely stunning “Mouse Barbershop” in Malmö, Sweden! This business seems to be flourishing — must be really popular among local rodents.
Another Reddit user found a cougar skull while working on a research project and wandering through the woods. They left the skull where they found it since it was unclear if people were allowed to take away such findings. Later, it turned out that such skulls were extremely rare. And it was also totally Ok to keep one. Duh.
And this person found an old McDonald’s cup during a kitchen renovation! It was hidden in the wall. And judging by its look, it’s quite old — likely produced in 1988!
Imagine coming to a clothing store. You’re wandering the aisles, looking at different items, when — AAAAAH! This creature... ahem... mannequin is staring down at you with its open flower-head! Creepy
And here are several examples of nature winning the battle against civilization. Look at this old lock — a plant has put down its roots indie the rusty mechanism.
Or have a look at this: nature has captured a tiny glass bottle to turn it into a full-fledged terrarium! How cool is that?
One lucky Reddit user found a whole potato in a bag of waffle fries. Was it supposed to be a DIY kit? Was there a note claiming, “Some disassembly required” inside?
Well, people working at potato processing plants confirm that it may happen when there’s a knife failure, which creates a “potato traffic jam.” Then the knife has to be taken out. As a result, whole potatoes can squeeze through the pipe, make it through the rest of the line, and end up in your bag!
Have you ever found lizard eggs next to your wall socket? This Reddit user has! Do you think they may end up with their hands full of tiny lizards?
This must be one of the most amazing finds ever! A Reddit user discovered that someone put eyes on random oranges in the street. Well, I must admit — if I saw it, it’d definitely make my day!
If you’ve ever wondered where Winnie-the-Pooh lives, here’s the answer! Apparently, he lives behind this red door in a dense broad-leaved forest.
Have you ever seen such an old calculator? Somebody found one in their great-grandmother’s attic. It even has an instruction on how to use it. That’s probably what our cutting-edge smartphones will look like to people from the future.
People working in recycling can find loads of interesting stuff! Like this filled diary dating back to 1941! I must admit, it does look kinda ancient. It seems to be describing the author’s day-to-day life.
Would you like to be the one to find such an enormous block of quartz crystals? It was discovered in Arkansas and is said to be worth almost $4 million! The 8-ft-long piece of quartz was found in the Ron Coleman Mine in Jessieville, about half an hour north of Hot Springs. It took employees 4 days to extract the giant mineral!
Look at this beautiful glass ball that was found on the beach in Hawaii! A couple was just walking along the shore when they came across this small marine ecosystem. There’s an opinion that it’s an authentic glass fishing float. If it’s true, the people who spotted this ball are very lucky — such floats are difficult to find since they aren’t produced anymore.
One guy found a seashell filled with squid eggs. And aren’t baby squid super-adorable?
Let’s admit it, this stuff looks terrifying. Someone found this bizarre device under the floorboards in a house built in the 1800s. Despite its horrifying appearance, this is nothing more than a boiled egg opener.
This poor cell phone was found stuck in asphalt in the parking lot of a pet store. I bet its battery is still mostly full! And you’d probably be able to make a call — if you managed to dig it out first.
The next find is absolutely amazing. It’s a 94-year-old banknote found on the ground! People on the Internet claim that this is not just a simple $1-dollar note but a silver certificate, which is much more valuable. It’s a type of legal tender in the form of paper currency. The person who found this treasure better try to preserve it — even though its condition is kinda rough.
It may very well be the largest natural giant clam pearl in the world. It weighs a jaw-dropping 75 pounds! The pearl itself is 1 ft wide and more than 2 ft long. The fisherman from the Philippines who had found it had been keeping it for 10 years, not knowing about its true value. For him, it was just a good luck charm.
And how about this: you’re digging the ground in your garden, and suddenly...you come across a dinosaur! That’s actually a real story. But the dino, stuck in some old bricks, is a tiny toy-sized thing. Oh wait, it IS a toy! And it looks suspiciously similar to Rex from Toy Story!
And this person is doubly lucky: they broke a rock and found inside not one but two different kinds of fossils!
An astonishingly well-preserved 1,100-year-old Viking sword was found on a mountain in Norway. The sword was jutting out of a rock 5,400 ft above sea level. Scientists think the sword was most likely preserved by the high altitude and cold conditions.
This person had their lucky day, too: they bought an oyster at a fish market — and found a real pearl inside! What would you do if it happened to you? Share your ideas in the comments below!
Look at this bottle from the past! When it was found, there was a message inside written in 1924! It asked the finder to send a postcard to a certain address in London. I guess if the person who discovered the bottle did send such a postcard, the addressee would be very surprised!
What does this pebble look like? In my opinion, it’s just a little lost ghost that can’t find its parents. By the way, stones with holes in them are called hag or adder stones. Some people used to believe that such stones had magical properties.
Umm... Well, I don’t even know what to say. I guess it’s mine now. Until I lose it or something.
This find gives a whole new meaning to the expression “heart of stone,” doesn’t it?
A Reddit user came across this creepy sight in Charles Town, West Virginia. This man, hidden in the wall of a building, seems to be silently judging you.
See this medical lab? Now, look up. Higher, higher. Here we go! A doctor is hiding over there! How cool and smart is that?