Ukrainian Artist Inserts Disney Characters Into 2018, and Aladdin Is Way More Daring Now

6 years ago

Ukrainian artist Daria Artemieva creates beautiful paintings that depict Disney princesses in the 2018 era. The characters are portrayed as ordinary girls getting a drink at the beach, going for a swim in the lake, eating fast food, and all of them posing for their Instagram feed.

Bright Side collected incredible illustrations of Disney princesses in the contemporary social media reality.

1. Merida — Brave

Even though Brave is the only one in this collection that is not a Disney movie, we wanted to add her because of the vibrant energy her character has in these illustrations.

2. Tangled

3. Moana

4. Pocahontas

5. Ariel — The Little Mermaid

6. Elsa and Anna — Frozen

7. Mulan

8. Belle — Beauty and the Beast

9. Snow White

10. Aurora — The Sleeping Beauty

11. Cinderella

12. Jasmine — Alladin

13. Jane — Tarzan

14. Tiana — The Princess and the Frog

15. Megara — Hercules

Which of these Disney princesses did you like the most? Please let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this with your family and friends who love Disney!


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The Aladdin one bugs me. Men should not treat women that way. They should respect them. Not saying women shouldn’t respect me, they should, but it is simply unfair that this type of behavior is acceptable from men when it is wrong.


I'm a little annoyed that the go-to for "modernizing" them is to put them into skimpy, revealing bathing suits, and I much prefer the versions where the princess is in something more street-worthy. The one exception would be Moana, who is, by default of her story, spending most of her movie in/on the ocean.

However... putting Snow White into a bikini with rounded breasts, tiny waist, and watch-them-wiggle hips is actually nauseating. The character of Snow White is intended to be 14 years old. Just no.


Why are they all in bikinis? I don’t remember literally everyone in 2018 wearing bikinis


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