Huge huge difference between tattoos and temporary tattoos. Stop rage-baiting. A baby with temporary tattoos has not been harmed - they may be being used as an accessory or photo op, but there's no physical harm, and it's TEMPORARY. Is it really any worse than a designer outfit, halloween costume or facepaint?
Real tattoos, would have been a real problem, this is just another attention-seeking stunt.
“We Enjoy This Lifestyle,” A Mom Covers Her Baby’s Body With Tattoos and Defends Herself From Critics
Each parent has their own unique way of raising their children, but certain practices stand out as unusual and can leave us astounded. One such case is that of Shameka Morris, who caused quite a stir by adorning her baby’s body with tattoos.
It is undeniable that every mother has her own approach to parenting and employs various methods to raise her child. However, there are instances where certain choices can become highly controversial, potentially compromising the safety and well-being of children.
This brings us to Shameka Morris, a fashion designer based in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, who has recently sparked a viral debate on social media. It has been revealed that she has been tattooing her son, Treylin, since he was just six months old. This revelation has attracted significant attention and raised concerns among the general public.
It is important to note that this is not a case of one or two tattoos; Shameka Morris has covered her son’s entire body in tattoos. Images of this have spread across the internet, resulting in strong criticism directed at the mother. Nevertheless, she openly expresses her love for tattoos and shows no remorse for her actions.
Although tattoos are temporary, this parenting approach has generated discontent among many people. Despite the backlash, Shameka Morris refuses to be deterred by public opinion and defends her choices through her social media presence, stating, “For the people that judge me, I don’t care because this is a lifestyle that we enjoy.”
Morris shared her experiences in an interview, saying, “I receive a lot of aggressive reactions. People claim that I am raising my son as a ’gangster’ or a ’thug,’ and they are not accustomed to seeing a baby with tattoos.”
She also recounted a particular incident of rejection, stating, “When I was eight months pregnant, I did a photoshoot with my brothers at a tattoo parlor. From that moment, I faced mockery on social media. All the comments were negative, with people saying that my baby would be born with many tattoos and that his skin would be tainted. It was unbelievable.”
While it is true that tattoos are temporary, and this brings some reassurance, the criticism persists. Many argue that this practice negatively influences her child, despite the fact that the baby does not truly comprehend what is happening to his body, particularly his skin.
She has also expressed the emotional toll caused by hurtful comments, stating, “The reaction has been terrible. It hurts my feelings because I know I am not a bad mother.”
While the quality of Morris’s parenting in other aspects may not necessarily be called into question, her controversial decision regarding her son’s appearance has undoubtedly cast her in an unfavorable light.
Tattoos are often seen as a means of self-expression, but when it comes to tattooing babies, it becomes something quite out of the ordinary. Adult tattoos, on the other hand, are more commonly seen and appreciated. Adults are fully aware of their tattoos’ significance, and many have compelling stories to share.
I totally agree with you.