This is other theory based on the Japanese Manga cult series "Attack on Titan"!
What If You Woke Up as a Titan Tomorrow
You can feel the waves brushing up against you. You wake up and see that you’re a giant standing up on 2 feet in the sea. So much water starts dripping down like rain. You’re way taller than the Statue of Liberty. You look at your hands and compare them to a small hot dog stand below you. You pick it up and fit it on the palm of your hand before crushing it by accident.
Suddenly you feel a slight sting on your ankle. You look down and see that some people are shoving you away while most people are running away in fear. Some are taking pictures of you, while others are shouting at you to go away. You take a step to the main road and crush a car with no one inside.

The people below you disperse like ants. You walk further into the city and notice there’s a huge wall surrounding the rest of the city. You walk towards the city crushing everything below you on your way. You see other giants stand up on the horizon near the sea and walk towards the barricaded city.
Something is calling all of you to go there. Many people stand on the wall and sound the alarm. More people join them to defend the wall. Others evacuate and hide in tiny holes.

You notice some of the giants have very odd features and disproportionate limbs. Some are walking on all fours, while some have really long arms that can reach anything. You move a bit when you accidentally almost step on someone. She stands still. You pick her up and put her on your eye level.
Both of you are maintaining eye contact. You place her on your shoulder while the other giants walk past you towards the city. They push and shove you while you’re standing still. They break through the wall without any effort and ruin the city. For some reason, you snap outta this trance that was drawing you to the city. You turn around and head back to the sea with the woman still on your shoulder. You reach the deepest end of the sea and are still walking.
The woman is scared and doesn’t know what to do. You place her on a small island and stare at her. She can’t see the Sun because your head is in the way. For a while, you leave her there while you bask in the Sun, trying to make sense of why you’re on this planet and what made you wanna save this woman.

You feel you’ve reached shallower grounds, and so you start running. You are in a new country that’s been leveled by the giants. The buildings are completely flat, and the debris is scattered like small bread crumbs. In the distance, you can see some more giants waking up by the beach and staring at you.
They can smell the human on your shoulder and start chasing you. They’re also strange-looking and have unusual features. There’s no place to hide in the open, so you head to the mountains. Over there, you can hide in the valley near a large waterfall. You notice that your skin starts changing color, and you blend in with the environment. Every giant has a unique feature for them to discover. Apparently yours is changing your skin color.
The woman on your shoulder is asleep. You look at her and start feeling a sense of sympathy — like looking at a pet. You’re not the same as the other giants. You don’t crave destruction but instead, want to help humans. You hear some giants walking in the distance. You take a peek and see some new giants that are 3 times bigger than you.
They’re patrolling around looking for you. And they’re getting closer. You accidentally make some noise, and they spot you. They start running after you, and you get up and start running away. You’re sprinting through some rough terrain. Some other giants jump in front of you while the ones chasing you stand behind you. You’re surrounded by 5 giants that are all 3 times bigger than you.

You place the woman down in a safe place and prepare to protect yourself. They try to tackle you from all sides, but you jump and dodge them. The biggest one gets his hands on you and tries to pin you down, but you slip out and push him away. The rest of them try to catch you, but you move and avoid their grasp.
You see a steep cliff and head over there while they’re following you. You have your back to the cliff while they’re inching their way to you. They jump at you, but you duck down. They fall over the cliff and into the ocean. The biggest one is still there since it knew what you were up to. One on one, you have no chance against him.
You can smell the woman trying to run away into a stampede of giants heading your way. Your skin color changes, and you slip through the alpha giant and rush to the woman to save her. The alpha isn’t as fast as you, so you can easily outrun it. But the stampede is about to trample her. You jump in front of them and catch the woman. The other giants are startled and angry because you saved the woman.
All of the giants know about you now and are out to get you. A few days later, and they seem to be off your tail. You’re now in the middle of the desert. The woman is still on your shoulder. She built herself a small shelter where she could sleep without being disturbed. You’re trying your best to get out of the desert since anyone can spot you. You’re tired and are in need of water. You’re barely carrying your feet in the sand.

You sit down, trying to keep your head up, but the Sun is too intense. You’re sweating a lot, and it’s dripping down on the woman. She tries to speak with you, but you can’t understand what she’s saying. You’re getting weaker and can’t move anymore. It’s only noon, so the Sun is at its peak. You create a shady spot for the woman with your hand to protect her from the burning Sun.
The day passes, and the night arrives. You spent all day in the sun and are now in the desert cold. It’s freezing. You cup the woman and put your other hand on top to create a warm dome to protect her from the cold wind. It’s pitch-dark, and you don’t know where you’re going. You just keep walking and stepping on sand dunes everywhere you go. It’s daytime again.

You see a large footprint of a giant like no other. Looks like it’s even bigger than the huge one by the cliff. You run away as fast as you can, but there’s nowhere to hide. Suddenly, you see it standing still. It towers over every other giant you’ve ever encountered. It’s sleeping and gaining energy from the Sun.
Some giants are accustomed to different climates and terrains. This one is tall, and it can reach the Sun for more sunlight. You tiptoe around it, making sure not to wake it, but it can feel everything around it. It’s startled and starts chasing you until you reach the ocean. He isn’t a fan of water, so he stays on the surface, screaming at you as you swim off.

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