Why Romania should be your next holiday destination

7 months ago

Romania: one of the most mysterious and beautiful countries in Europe. Its ancient cobblestone streets, mysterious forests, and buildings thoroughly permeated by medieval spirit will penetrate your core. This country will fascinate you with its humble beauty, its gorgeous Carpathian mountains, and wonderful frescoes of ancient Orthodox monasteries. The best thing about it might be its magnificent medieval castles; according to legend, Count Dracula lived in one of them.

If you want to take a journey into Europe’s captivating past, we at Bright Side urge you to visit this picturesque country, where every corner breathes history and legends.

Morning fog over the village of Biertan.

Bigar Waterfall.

Ceahlău Massif.

Peleș Castle.

A field of sunflowers in Romania.


Corvin Castle.

Rodna National Park.

Bucegi Massif.

Bucegi Massif.

A spring evening in a Romanian village.

The Transfagarasan Highway, in Transylvania.

Bran Castle, known as Dracula’s Castle.


The western Romanian mountains.

A mountain road.

Rodna Mountains.


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