Why You Shouldn’t Use a Towel to Dry Your Face

4 years ago

You might be thinking your toilet seat is the most germ-laden item in your home, but it’s not. In fact, it’s your towels that are packed with the most bacteria, and if you’re using them to wipe your face, you might be doing your skin a disservice. And although drying your face with a towel seems like the most logical thing to do, in reality, it can do more harm than good.

We at Bright Side are seriously considering ditching the towels after doing this research. And if you’re wondering what to use instead, don’t forget to check out the bonus we have prepared for you at the end of the article.

1. It may give you acne.

Drying your face with the same towel you use to dry your body could be damaging your skin more than you think. Towels are great bacteria traps, and because we usually store them in the bathroom, where the air is damp, it creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. When you rub the towel on your face, you’re moving all these bacteria directly onto your skin, which can eventually lead to breakouts and clogged pores. Even if you’re using a separate towel for your face than the one you use to dry your body, you likely aren’t washing it daily, and unwanted bacteria can still make their way to your skin.

2. Your skin may age more quickly.

Terry cloth bath towels are too rough on your face, and using them can create tiny tears in your skin, making it vulnerable to infections and wrinkles. The more you wash the towels, the more brittle the fabric becomes, and the friction they create acts as an exfoliant that can be too much for your skin.

3. It decreases the efficacy of skincare products.

Although drying your face after washing it seems like a natural thing to do, in reality, it won’t allow your skin to get the most out of the products you’re applying to it. Your moisturizer will better penetrate the skin before all the water evaporates from its surface. Skipping towel drying will allow your skincare products to lock in the moisture your skin needs to look youthful and glowing.

4. It can irritate your skin.

If you have sensitive skin, using towels isn’t the best option to dry your face. Because most towel fabrics can be too harsh on the skin, wiping your face with them can result in skin redness and irritation.

5. It can make your skin oily.

It may sound contradictory, but drying your skin can actually make it more greasy. Because rough towels can strip away natural oils your skin needs to stay healthy, sebaceous glands underneath the skin’s surface will have to produce more oil to balance out the dryness, which will result in overly greasy skin.

Bonus: How to dry you face without a towel

Instead of patting your face dry with a towel, let the air do its job. Air-drying is more hygienic and gentle on your skin, and although it requires more time than wiping your face with a towel, your skin will thank you for it.

  • Wash your face as usual.
  • Let your skin dry naturally.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizer.

Do you use your bath towel to wipe your face? Can you think of alternative ways to dry your skin, other than a towel?

Preview photo credit Shutterstock.com


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