Women Get Real About What Dads Need to Know About Raising a Daughter

Family & kids
3 years ago

Recent studies have shown that daughters who have a better relationship with their fathers tend to have a lot of personal advantages in their grown-up life. But no matter how unique that bond is, at some point, every dad will need some good advice to help their girls fly high in this crazy world and become the happy and fulfilled women they will be proud of.

We at Bright Side collected some gems posted by women themselves, to serve as a true guide for all dads. Let’s end some parenting doubts once and for all!


Let her know you’ll always be there for her when she needs you. You may not be able to teleport at a moment’s notice, but there may come a day where she doesn’t feel safe doing something or being somewhere and needs help. Sure, she could always ask friends, but nobody should feel embarrassed or afraid to ask good ol’ dad to be there when they need someone.

@mcr-G-note / Reddit


Praise her for her achievements, her character, her efforts, especially when they don’t yield the expected results... The world is obsessed with looks, she needs to know that she’s not just what she looks like.

@KlaireOverwood / Reddit


Show her how a man should treat a woman, be there for her, listen, and learn to do hair, it sounds silly, but you will be her hero just for doing that.

@Axellionna / Reddit


Also, try and make sure that periods and bras are always something chill and not taboo in your household. Just get used to them, it’ll make your daughter way more comfortable around you. In my mind, you have a healthy relationship if she’s willing to go to you for help with getting blood stains out of her sheets. Obviously you can have a healthy relationship without that, but I’m just saying, it helps.

@joho3883 / Reddit


Keep your promises. When I was in second grade, my dad was off on Monday afternoons. He said we would go to the movies, just me and him, once or twice a month. We never went. I never forgot.

@Seventy_x_7 / Reddit


Don’t forget to encourage her. If you don’t tell her any other time, for every formal dance/prom/big event, tell her she looks beautiful. If you aren’t affectionate, try to be. Hugs and things like that will go a very, very long way. It’s gonna get rough, but if you do it right, she will always be thankful you were there for her.

@mushroomboye / Reddit


Don’t excuse the behavior of men “because they’re men.” Girls get victimized EARLY. My father not excusing that as “boys being boys” is why I have always been able to recognize that behavior as unacceptable. But I know so many women whose dads didn’t teach them this way, who just expect that this is how all men will act BECAUSE they are men. Teach your girls to demand better.

@CautiousShower / Reddit


Once you’ve made it clear that her feelings don’t matter to you and don’t affect anything, then she’s not going to want to talk to you about anything that matters, nor is she going to want to interact with you once she doesn’t have to anymore.

@kinetic-passion / Reddit


Don’t grow possessive. No scaring off boyfriends, unless they absolutely deserve it. Treat it as normal as you would if she had a girlfriend.

@Wookieewookieeson / Reddit


Make sure to teach us “boy” stuff, too! I was an only child, and my dad still taught me to drive a tractor, change a tire, hang drywall, and fix things around the house. These skills have come in handy many times in the years since, and especially when I was living alone. Plus, it was great bonding time for me and my dad.

@ratchmond / Reddit


Don’t belittle her interests (and, unfortunately, the way people use the term “girly” is belittling). You may not share them, but they’re important to someone you love, so make a genuine effort to be supportive.

@JDburn08 / Reddit


When they are teenagers, respect their space because it’s a tough time for them and honestly it’s really difficult to talk to your dad about. We have mood swings and you might think we hate you, but we love you dearly! Be there for her when she needs it too!

@bebelabeaux / Reddit


Basically just treat her like her thoughts and feelings are valid. It’s so easy to forget about how big your emotions feel when you’re young. And the reason that I, as a 26-year-old woman, still talk to my father weekly and greet him with a big hug is that he listened with empathy.

@missluluh / Reddit


We need hoodies and sweatpants just as much as we need dresses and makeup.

@Lolcrappinnope / Reddit


Don’t be too overprotective. How long can you protect her? One day she’ll be on her own and she won’t know how to. Teach her how to be independent instead. To do things on her own. Teach her self-defense. Teach her to be safe.

@MusingLife / Reddit


Never joke about their weight. My stepdad did this and I still hate myself because I thought that’s what everyone thought, even when he apologized later.

@Rakuen91 / Reddit


Give her money when she goes out. She shouldn’t be expecting for someone else to pay for her meal.

@wwatdafakkz / Reddit


You’re going to wrong them at some point. Apologizing will show them that they are valuable, and that mature people are humble and willing to apologize. It’s a very clear way of saying, “I’m not better than you.”

@we11ington / Reddit


She might even say that she hates you! Don’t take it personally. I simply responded " It’s OK. You can feel that way. But, I still love you, anyway." Bad times don’t last. We get along beautifully now.

@gereblueeyes / Reddit

Do you agree that fathers and daughters have a special bond that no other family members have?

Share your views with us in the comments.

Preview photo credit Seventy_x_7 / Reddit


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