14 Hilarious Cakes We Can’t Believe People Really Order

6 years ago

A cake is an essential part of every celebration. If a baker has a good sense of humor, they create cakes that you’ll never forget. Believe us, you’ll always remember a sloth sitting on the moon playing ping pong or a The Simpsons character that looks just like a drawing.

Bright Side has collected 21 unique cakes that will make you cry with laughter.

14. “You had a chance.”

13. A unicorn that has already eaten a whole cake

12. An onion cake

11. “My wife made this awesome cake for my birthday today!”

10. A little buddy being blown away by an edible parachute

9. When someone celebrates getting their nose done:

8. There’s no way out.

7. When you’re 4 times 10:

6. Santa ate too much and fell asleep.

5. A sloth playing ping pong and sitting on the moon

4. For those who keep a diet:

3. Wishing Jordon good luck

2. #married

1. McDonald’s fans are going to love this.

Do you usually order cakes for special events? Share the pictures with us!


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Wow! That McDonald’s one is just my favorite! What's yours?


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