15+ Optical Illusions of a 4-year-old Girl in Edible Dresses

4 years ago

A talented artist from Turkey named Alya Chaglar became famous on Instagram when she started to post photos of her daughter Stefani in very unique dresses. Alya uses the art of optical illusion to create fantastical pieces of clothing for her 4-year-old girl. All the dresses are made of fruits, veggies, flowers and a bit of magic.

Bright Side invites you to take a look at these adorable mother-daughter fashion experiments.

1. Lady in red

2. Jungle fashion

3. Ballerina vibes

4. Pleated skirts are always trendy.

5. We're all in for the party!

6. What a beautiful morning.

7. Parsley isn't only healthy, it's also extremely stylish.

8. Princess is ready for the ball.

9. The best way to use cauliflower

10. Isn't she lovely?

11. Ready for the summer!

12. Every girl's dream dress

13. Taste it, wear it.

14. Spicy fashion

15. Goin' bananas for this getup!

16. Who said being a mermaid isn't fashionable?

17. Mother-daughter goals

What do you think about this photo collection? Do you like taking photos of your children?

Share your opinion with us in the comments below!

Preview photo credit Alya Chaglar, Alya Chaglar


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