7 Traditions of Arab Countries You Had No Idea Existed

7 years ago

The Arab world englobes a vast region, stretching from Morocco in North Africa to the Persian Gulf. This area boasts a rich presence of Arab culture. Let’s learn more about it.

1. They love their food

Arabic cuisine reflects the region’s diverse heritage, and Arabic people are known for their deep appreciation of food. There is a wide variety of dishes, with preferences varying significantly across different Arabic countries. Additionally, the consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam, which influences dietary choices in the region.

2. Bride and groom celebrate their wedding seperately

Traditions vary in different countries, but an Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately.

  • The “male wedding” can be celebrated on a different day to the wedding of the bride. As a rule, it is very simple: tea, coffee, dinner, and communication lasting not more than 4 hours in total. The weddings of brides are celebrated much more widely in a big town hall with waiters and artists.
  • The “female wedding” is an occasion to show off in diamonds, designer shoes, and evening outfits because usually all this beauty is hidden behind hijabs (or abayas) and veils. That’s the reason why only women can attend such a wedding. Men are strictly forbidden here. The staff are only women, including singers, photographers, and DJs. If a famous singer is invited to the celebration, he will see neither the bride nor the guests because he will be performing behind a screen or in the next room and broadcasting the songs to the main hall.
  • The visit of the husband is announced in advance so that all the women can cover themselves with abayas. If the husband arrives with his brothers or father, then the bride is also covered with a white abaya because even the relatives of her husband can’t see her beauty.

3. Women must wear a veil

  • Women should hide their bodies under loose clothes. They can wear anything under these loose clothes: miniskirts, jeans, and shorts. Many fashionable girls envy the outfits of Arab beauties. But when going out, a woman must cover herself with a loose gown to the heels and hide her face behind a veil. All because her beauty is for her husband only, and other men mustn’t see it. The exceptions are “female” celebrations and weddings where there are no men. Here, women can show off their designer collections. However, this custom is not followed everywhere, but women should cover their heads in almost all Arab countries.
  • Kuwait is the only Arab country where women wear European clothes outside. Still, they should be modest and appropriate.
  • Unlike Kuwait, there are countries such as Yemen and Sudan where old traditions are still on the go. Women must wear black robes hiding them fully from head to toe.

4. They write from right to left

Arabic is written from right to left, distinguishing it from Western languages derived from the Latin alphabet, which are written from left to right. This right-to-left writing pattern has historical origins.

5. They have a unique approach to lateness

People in Arabic countries are renowned for their generosity, friendliness, and hospitality. It is important for visitors to familiarize themselves with basic customs and traditions to avoid inadvertently causing offense. Furthermore, flexibility with timing is a cultural norm, with lateness generally not perceived as a sign of disrespect.

6. For them, family is the most important thing

In Arab culture, family loyalty is a deeply ingrained value, as reflected in an old Bedouin saying: "Me and my brothers against our cousins, me and my brothers and cousins against the world!".This sentiment underscores the paramount importance of family bonds. Families are the bedrock of tribal and clan relationships across numerous countries, fostering unwavering loyalties. Individuals take immense pride in their ancestral lineage, cherishing their roles within the larger tapestry of family history.

7. Privacy is a cherished cultural value

Personal matters are typically kept within the confines of the family, and speaking ill of a relative is strongly disapproved of.

This reverence for privacy is evident in the architectural design of Arab homes. Many residences feature designated areas for visitors. In smaller homes or apartments, the timing of guest arrivals is carefully coordinated to minimize encounters with family members who need not be present. In cases where this isn’t feasible, meetings often take place in cafés or other mutually agreed-upon locations.

Are there any other interesting facts about the Arab world that you know? Please do share them in the comments!

Preview photo credit The-Dmguy / reddit


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Arrange marriage picture is from Pakistan documents in urdu


I’m an Arabic woman who lived more than 20 years in the gulf area and now living in Canada
I can say that some of the information provided are not true
Women can live the life they want at the same time they respect and obey their religion Islam that enforce rules just to protect them
For example regarding divorce no need for the husband to repeat 3 times the phrase and it’s not compulsory for the wife to stay with him if he just changes his mind
She can reject him too, furthermore she can ask for divorce first; nobody can force her to stay with him
However, there is some people who aren’t following Islam’s rules but this doesn’t mean that they are doing the right thing same like here in Canada or everywhere in the world
I’m not going to talk about every aspect of this article but I wanted to say that We Arab women follow Islam rules because it’s like the law which has been constituted just to protect us and to protect our interests, for instance women supposed to take their husbands' permission before going out, not because they are not allowed to if he doesn’t give his permission, but rather to respect him and inform him so that he can be aware that she might needs his help or his presence and vice-versa he also supposed to be respectful to his wife by letting her know where he’s going, it’s just a kind of cooperation that preserves love and mutual care between the couple and not because she doesn’t have a free will


Ye.... right... keep foolling yourself that your life as an islamic woman are so great. In fact - Arab women suffer from violence, you arr rulled by old and primitive religious institutions, and are controlled by men. Many of them use their power in an abusive way. Buy hey everything is good. Thank god I don't live there.


This has nothing to do with Islam! It actually has to do with turning away from the teachings of Islam and following old tribal traditions in violation of Islam itself! And hey as if women do not suffer from violence, abuse, treated only as a sex object worldwide! U keep lie to ur self saying u give women freedom while all u actually care about is the freedom to reach women anywhere anyhow!


"to reach women anywhere anyhow"

So the solution is to restrict women from their freedom instead of promoting their rights and educating the society to respect them.


I am an arab muslim woman living in Jordan, almost every word is described incorrectly, here a woman has more rights granted by islam and more we wear the nicest design conver up if we wish or not, we serve allah the way we can, and want we can cover up from head to toe or get out in shorts, Islam and muslim countries are the first to grant women equally and in some parts more rights than tge men. The men have to serve and provide the women as tge women has to serve and obey the men its a contract of love and respect.

Please visit us talk to us we are always welcoming and we have bad apples like all religens and countries, but if you try to talk a look maybe you will be suprised and you might visit to stay??

3 years ago
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4 years ago
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As an Arab Muslim woman I tell you thank god you don't live with is because you abviously get yoyr info from one place and have no idea how is our real life.

4 years ago
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I don't think that the word vice-versa is in the right place

Because unfortunately man can go wherever he wants and at any time he wants without consulting his wife


Not if he is a true muslim, it is only as a none muslim arab man wiuld do if he do not respect his wife. It happens in every place. It depend on how hw was raised.

4 years ago
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I married A muslim girl from a ruthlessly traditional background and did so by doing everything required for us to be legitimate instead of eloping. So i am a member of the family.

I am ridiculed for the liberty I grant my wife and i am branded as being weak and lacking in the masculinity that Arabic men demonstrate in the domination of the females under their guardianship. My wife is eternally grateful for having the freedom that no other female in the history of her bloodline has ever been afforded. Her sisters are in disbelief that she shares a joint bank account with me with no conditions for its use, and i am always ’informed’ by the other males in the family that my encouragement for my wife to flaunt her persian beauty with designer dresses and accessories as opposed to the expected ‘modesty’ forced on the rest of the girls is what they describe as disrespectful towards my wife as they oogle her at every event and function with an intensity unseen in public spaces where such expression of one’s appearance are common place.

Were it not for my wealth and abilities to assist those in her family who were in a position to bless our union, it is clear that many ‘potential suitors’ were lining up infront of her father to attempt to strike a deal for the ownership of a wife unlike any available in London or the UK both in appearance and unconditional dedication towards her husband.

Given the opportunity to flourish without a guardian of any sort to prohibit her progression, she has become the most envied female in her bubble and with my blessings of success and t the realisation of those who wanted her hand for themselves seeing how incredible and superior to any other female in her entire circle, i am hated in secret but admired in person.

Experiencing what i have, seeing what i do, noting the relationships of the males in particular who would have taken her had I not moved mountains to steal her from them, i can tell you that Arabic men are the most generally controlling cultures i have seen, pay no mind to their wives and see them simply as an asset such as a car or a service and due to the rarity of laying eye on a female of their culture who openly shows their beauty, they are also the most perverse men (along eith similar cultures such as indian) and stare at my wife far more intensely than the public here in London.

Eith the benefits of the loyalty and beauty provided by her persian culture and the honesty and faithfulness of our religion of Islam, once given the freedom that us British take for granted she makes a wife far more superior than any in British culture and only because she has been liberated from the control of Arabic patriarchal society that you deny exists...

4 years ago
This is so personal that we just can't show it to you.
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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You forgot to mention... If a man says the 3 "ur divorced" for 3 times....he can remarry on one condition..... That she marries another man, have intercourse with him, and then once she gets a taste of the new man and gets the pre-arranged divorce can her 1st husband remarry her... Fair Enough i guess lol

4 years ago
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There is one true statement where it says the womans primary responsibility is to have babies and raise them. Muslim women drop baby after baby after baby after baby. they are then raised in islamic fashion. when old enough they are taught the koran and what they must do to infidels.


Hi, why do not you try to approach us, we are a nice people of different races and cultures. You are welcome to take a better look at our life. I belive you will love it. It is tge most relaxed and safe and comfortable that you will ever experience, we work, study, travel, or set home and relax it is our choice as long as we are safe


Why are you people so concerned about eastern women when you should actually be focusing on women in your own country.


they do. you are looking at article about eastern women .what did expect talking about? aliens.

3 years ago
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Women had all the rights to do....they can go out without any fear even in midnight...but it's only in attach country's...but in India we don't have such a safe environment... expect in Pondicherry state...


Actually every one have their own opinion... according to me...the Islamic religion only teach us the good thing...I feel safe when I go out with my hijab...and the rules and regulations for women in the Quran are truely amazing...


most of these info are wrong, life is changing now in most of the Arab countries, I can't deny that we still have problems according to women rights, but now a day a girl can choose what she wants in all aspects of life!!!


About Divorce ??? This is you get from who?I really wanna know who the person is who can say i take you bake then nothing happens its not mentioned in anyway


It had been my favorite app. Today, I have come to know that you guys have very poor researchers in your team. Most of the information present here is totally wrong.


From what i know, in Islam it isnt allowed to have more than 4.. the limit is 4..


Befire islam men all over tge world were having relation with hundreds islam came to put a limit and aldo made it difficult. You have to do justice to all in everyway.

4 years ago
This comment is beautiful but so out of place.

In general, the article is excellent. And the photos of the girls are well chosen.


This is the most incorrect article about women in Arabic countries I have ever read. Where did you get these information from. I am from Syria, and only part of Muslim females wear Hijab.. most women (with or without Hijab) wear casual European style clothes in their daily life activities, and the majority of women are employed. I have visited Jordan and Egypt where the case is the same. Same applies in Tunis, Algeria and Morocco. Also, when you say Hareem, it does not mean Arabic Women. It means the female section in a Sultan's palace.


I agree I'm an Egyptian and we wear all sorts of clothes in public and many don't wear hijab. And we have mixed weddings were we eat and dance normally no alcohole sure but no separate weddings. These facts are more of Gulf area facta not all Arab countries

4 years ago
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3 years ago
Was there a comment here?

Kuwait is one of 22 Arab League countries and ~30 Arabic speaking nations, of which only Saudi Arabia enforced Hijāb (head veil) by law, in others it's just traditional and religious.


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