7 Products Your Pets Wish You Knew About Sooner

year ago

Yes, vinegar can get the kitty tinkle smell out of your carpet. But it’s very tiring and even risky to get rid of the consequences of such a pee-mergency. Cat urine has one of the most unique and pungent smells in the universe. Perhaps its only worthy rival is the durian fruit. But if your cat could talk, it’d tell you that there are way better options to fight this issue. As well as many other pet-related issues.

We at Bright Side know a universal pet language, and we’re ready to present you with a list of products that are so useful you’ll give them a round of a-paws.

1. This odor remover will help you and your fluffy friend forget about the nastiest of accidents. PLUS, it smells like sunshine trapped in the bottle.

Apart from the odors that your pets leave on your furniture or carpet, it’ll also kick out any smells from tile, couch upholstery, garbage cans, and even car interiors.


  • Clean the excess mess
  • Shake the bottle well & spray
  • Let it dry completely

DO NOT apply the product directly on your pet.

Promising review: I’ve been doing animal rescue all my life... both wild and domestic. I’ve been cleaning up messes of all types that you can imagine for a long, long time. It has been a constant battle to find any cleaner that will actually take the odor away... and it doesn’t come back. ESPECIALLY, WITH CAT URINE.
This started out as a “trial” purchase. I have been extremely shocked and impressed by how it just kills the smell of cat urine, of all things, and the smell doesn’t return... ever. It’s been incredible! @TAMMY LANETTE

Buy the odor remover HERE

2. A cat hammock that will give your kitty a cozy spot to hang out and have some “meow” time.

“If it fits, I sits” is the motto of any cat. Yeah, they love squeezing into small spaces because this behavior helps them feel safer and more secure. Wide open spaces may seem too exposed to possible danger for them.

Good news

If your cat keeps neglecting everything you buy, there will be other members who will appreciate this bed.

Promising review: Nice cat napper for the price. I live in a hot area where it is usually over 80°F. My cat loves sitting in this bed because there is air circulation underneath thanks to the mesh-like fabric, unlike all the other cat beds I have, so my cat is not overheated.
It is also very sturdy and the materials are made well — the metal is a good thickness and not cheap like aluminum. Also, the mesh has not stretched out despite my overweight cat sitting in it all day. @P. C.

Buy the hammock HERE

3. This realistic moving fish toy will easily catch your cat’s eye and eliminate its boredom and loneliness when you are busy. Also, it stimulates your sweet kitty’s hunting extinct and helps it release excess energy. Yes, you will be able to sleep all night long!

If your cat has no interest in other ordinary-looking toys but shows great interest in your new, perfect-looking furniture, this toy will be an ideal distraction. It’ll automatically move and swing when touched producing a special sound to attract attention.
Cool fact: you can add a bag of catnip inside it to get your fluffy friend even more excited about it. By the way, catnip may reduce pets’ anxiety, relieves their pain, and can be helpful for their digestive tract.

Promising review: This toy is a lifesaver, seriously. I needed interactive toys for my cat because he is constantly trying to get into everything while I’m working remotely. I like how durable this thing is. I just chuck it across the room sometimes to get his attention, and it has held up really well. It comes with a small micro-USB charger, which is nice. I love how he attacks this thing and drags it all over the house. Another nice benefit is that it helps make him tired, so he wants to cuddle after a lot of play time! @Lukasz Plonecki

Buy the fish toy HERE

4. Paw nectar to help Fido’s irritated paws. It’s very easy to apply and very fast to show the first results. It’ll start to moisturize, soften, soothe, and protect your pup’s paws immediately.

Fun fact: some people claim that the balm worked well for them too. Why not though? It’s 100% natural and organic. So, it’s safe even if your friend licks or swallows it.


  • Grab a small amount of the balm
  • Distract your furry baby with a toy or treat
  • Apply the balm to the necessary areas and let it absorb

You can keep your pup’s paws moisturized by applying it daily.

Promising review: My dog damaged his paw pads on rough ground and was in a lot of pain. This stuff seems expensive, but reviews were good. I had googled how long his paws would take to mend and it said that the first layer of skin would mend within a week and 21 days for full recovery. Within a day of using this, he could stand and take a few steps, in 2 days, he could go for short walks, and after a week, he was fully recovered. Could not be more pleased! @Doris

Buy the paw balm HERE

5. A snuffle mat that’ll help you say goodbye to any of your doggo’s destructive behaviors. By the way, sniffing is just like scrolling through social media for dogs. So this mat will easily encourage the natural foraging skills of your pups and help them relieve their stress.

We bet you don’t know that sniffing is beneficial and essential for your fluffy friends’ well-being. Experts claim that just 20 minutes of sniffing equals an hour’s walk.

Promising review: I purchased this product in the hopes that it would engage a highly active 4-year-old dog. Boy, did it ever! Not only is he eager to root around in this mat, but he also has to use his sniffer to find treats. It is a very helpful product for days when he needs to burn off some energy when he can’t be taken to the park. @Miki

Buy the snuffle mat HERE

6. These chew sticks will take care of your kitty’s teeth. They eliminate dental plaque and bad breath. You can be sure that your cat will get very excited and will behave in an amusing and humorous manner once you unpack it. Why? There is a secret inside of these sticks. It’s C-A-T-N-I-P!

The sticks not only help to improve your cats’ dental health but they also relieve stress and make your cat feel calm and relaxed.

Promising review: Durable cat chew sticks. My cats now think they’re dogs, running around with the sticks in their mouth. We scheduled a ’species identity crisis’ meeting to discuss, but neither of them attended, due to both being too high off the catnip balls attached to the chew sticks 💁‍♀️ @Paris 🌺💖

Buy the chew sticks HERE

7. A cat door with grooming brushes will scratch your cat when it’s walking through the door, giving it a SPA-like treatment. The brush will easily collect loose hair from your kitty, improving the cleanliness and hygiene of your home. This door is large enough to allow cats to freely enter and exit any room but small enough to keep your kids and dogs away from litter boxes and cat food to avoid a mess.

The first question that may pop up in your head is how to train your cat to go through that door. Experts suggest that your show your pet how to go through the door. It’d be a good idea to go to the other side of the door and encourage your brave friend through. You can offer their favorite treats to make them more cooperative.

Promising review: Great! Easy to fit! Bought this so my cat could go in another room away from the toddlers. Now he can sunbathe and relax without being harassed. @Kindle Customer

Buy the cat door HERE

How many pets do you have? Do they get zoomies from time to time? Tell us the funniest story about your fluffy friend.

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Preview photo credit Amazon, babyswirly / Amazon


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