Men with shorts and snickers... my type :D
8 Summer Style Mistakes Men Keep Making
Summer is a great time for experimenting with style and trying out new fashion combinations. But sometimes, men miss minor details, ruining their entire look. The length of your shorts, the style of shirt, and even your socks are all seemingly small but important elements to any outfit that must be tended to if you want to look effortlessly chic.
Bright Side came up with 8 common fashion mistakes men make during the summer, and we want to share some easy tips that will turn you into a fashion guru.
1. Opting for T-shirts with shorter sleeves
When it comes to choosing a T-shirt, some men focus solely on how it fits and completely forget to pay attention to the sleeves. In most cases, sleeves should cover about half of the upper arm so that the body has the right proportions. But it’s essential to pay attention to the body type as well. For example, if a man is tall, longer sleeves may look better.
2. Wearing jeans too often
While jeans are super comfortable and look great with almost everything, they’re not the most practical clothing item for summer. Denim isn’t a very breathable material, and you’ll likely feel hot and sweaty in them. Go for lighter fabrics, like linen, for your everyday look.
3. Avoiding bright colors
Summer is the perfect time to try on different colors, especially if you don’t usually do so. If you’re new to this type of style, start by incorporating one bright clothing item of a single color into your look to see how you feel. You can also try different patterns like floral or animal print to freshen up your outfit.
4. Choosing outfits that fit too tightly
Tight clothes are likely to make you sweat more and restrain your movement. In summer, it might be a good idea to relax a bit and forget about stuffier, formal styles. Provide your skin with some space to breathe and choose wider fitting clothes. It doesn’t mean that you should dress in baggy clothes — simply choose items that help accentuate your strong features, like your lower arms and shoulders, without causing you to overheat.
5. Choosing shorts of the wrong length
Fashion experts suggest that covering your knees with shorts is an outdated trend. If you want to look attractive and chic, don’t be afraid to show your legs and quads. Ideally, your shorts should go 3-4 inches above the knee.
6. Wearing long socks with shorts
7. Sticking to your “winter” jackets
In summer, you’ll probably only wear a jacket if you really have to, like when you’re attending a formal event or in the evening. The summer jacket should be made of a lighter, more natural, and breathable fabric than the jackets you wear during other seasons. You can also play with different colors, choosing something brighter than your typical navy blue and black jackets.
8. Not paying enough attention to footwear
Men often go to the extreme — they either choose shoes that are too revealing, like flip-flops that rarely look good anywhere expect the beach, or they enjoy hot, sunny weather while wearing leather boots and sneakers. To make your feet comfortable, chose light, breathable footwear made of canvas and suede.
What do you usually wear in summer? Do you know any clothing hacks that can help you survive the summer heat while still looking good?
I really don't like high socks with shorts. It just doesn't look right somehow :/
Lighter fabric pants are the best things in the summer
when I was a teenager are either wore jeans or jeans shorts and was sweating like crazy. When I got older I decided to try simple cotton and other natural materials.. and I ditched jeans completely
I believe most of the men pay no attention to their shows at all. They can wear the same sneakers in winter and summer, for garden party and for going to a fancy restaurant..
I don't care what "fashion experts" say. No shorts above the knee have been attractive for men... unless your goal is that you wanna look like a creepy 80s camp councilor or PE teacher.

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