Eniko joined the BrightSide team in 2025 and mostly writes about health and lifestyle. Eniko also has a great interest in culture, sports, and photography.
The eyes are the windows to the soul, says the well-known phrase. But they can also reveal many things about your health. It makes regular eye check-ups even more important, so if you experience any of these symptoms, it's time to visit an optometrist.
It’s not easy to discover that someone we thought was our friend has a dark side that we haven’t been aware of. It looks like you can’t really know someone even if you’ve been friends with that person for a very long time. In the following stories, some shocking truths have come to light and rocked long-term friendships.
Going to formal events like a business meeting, a charity dinner, or a night at the opera, can be challenging for someone who is not used to going there. There are several rules and traditions in these places that are usually known by visitors. But don't worry if you feel that your etiquette knowledge needs some refreshing, we collected some of the basic elements you should be aware of when visiting a formal event.
A terrifying thing happened to a Chilean kayaker, Adrian Simancas, when a humpback whale swallowed him. Thankfully Adrian survived the incident unharmed, but the video record made by his father still makes us chill.
Helping out a stranger or doing something good for free, without expecting anything in return, is a great sign of kindness. Even small gestures can have a huge impact on other people’s lives and make them happy. In the following stories, random strangers offered help to people who needed it, inspiring all of us to follow their example.
Giving a new life to unused stuff can be a lot of fun, and even spare you money. More and more people turn to DIY and try to restore their old things that were meant to be thrown out. Take inspiration from the following examples, as you can find some amazing transformation in our list.
It isn’t easy to find your style and clothes that will fit you the most. But if you read the advice of Reddit users, selected by us, you can make the whole process easier. One common thing that many shared, is that the most important step is to feel good in what you’re wearing.
Being a wife and a mother of three children can be exhausting, even when someone is perfectly healthy. But dealing with a household after surgery would be too much for most of us, just like it happened with a woman who turned to the Reddit community to share her story and ask for the opinion of others.
Stress is part of almost everyone's life, unfortunately, it's hard to avoid it in this modern world, which constantly changes and requires our attention. Our body can send signals to warn us if our stress level is too high. So if you experience any of these symptoms, don't ignore them, check them out with a professional.
Children see the world differently, without any bias and preconceptions, so no wonder they can ask questions that grown-ups would never do. They can make you laugh or feel embarrassed, but one thing is sure, it's hard not to smile after reading the following Reddit comments.
Protein is an important nutrition that plays a key role in the structure and function of muscles, skin, enzymes, and hormones. But not everyone is getting enough protein which can lead to different health problems. Your body may be giving signs if you’re suffering from protein deficiency, which we collected below.
We can all do crazy things to impress our dream girl or boy, and the following users have also proved it. From doing dangerous stuff to being ridiculous, it seems like there is nothing people wouldn't do to get the attention of their chosen one. We made a collection of the most entertaining confessions that were shared by some brave users.