Nature is always ready to bring some adorableness into our lives and put smiles on our faces when we need it most — and the bearded reedling does just that. It’s very easy to recognize this bird since it’s just one small ball of fluffiness with really cool markings on its face. This little guy is officially one of our favorites and we wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes popular among our readers as well.
The popular saying, “Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns,” doesn’t apply to the little tit-warbler. This tiny, flying rainbow has such a unique color pattern that it is, without a doubt, one of the prettiest and most colorful birds out there!
There is love that never fades, even if time goes by, even if life forces us to move on. Love for a pet is like that: unconditional, deep, eternal. They are the ones who accompany us in silences that say it all, who welcome us with joy even in the darkest days, who teach us that happiness can be as simple as a caress or a moment together on the couch. But when it’s time to let them go, the void they leave behind is immense. Even so, we always find ways to keep them with us: in tattoos, in a photo by the bed, in those words whispered into the air when we feel they are still watching over us from somewhere. In the world of the Internet and social networks, hundreds of people have shared touching tributes to those friends who are gone, remembering them with tears, smiles and a love that transcends time. Because if pets teach us anything, it’s that true love never goes away.
Walking your dog isn’t just an excuse to warm up. You never know whether you’ll end up with an amusing hunt for an elusive bag, a surprise depth check of all the nearest puddles or an important mission to investigate every lamppost. In this team, you are the leader, but it’s your 4-legged friend who writes the scenario of the walk.
It’s hard to deny that animals can easily manipulate humans. Whether it’s a pet or a random squirrel in the park, they can remember what behavior works to their advantage. This article is all about animals getting what they want or using their wits to the max.
We have all at one point wondered what it’s like to see a live, breathing dinosaur. Thanks to a recent discovery, we now have a better idea. Scientists have found a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo estimated to be at least 66 million years old and was about to hatch, just like a chicken.
You’re walking along the riverbank. It’s quiet save for the water’s peaceful burbling. The hot Georgia sun beats down on your neck.That’s when you notice something strange on the ground. Looks like a quarter-sized black coin with a weird pattern on it. You bend over for a closer look.Is it a coin? This thing looks like an ancient seal with a symbol carved in it. It’s probably from some long-lost civilization! You could sell it and make a fortune!!!You crouch down on one knee to pick up your newfound treasure. As soon as your finger touches it, you pull your hand back as fear wells in your gut. It’s hairy.
Imagine being one of the first people sent to explore Mars. As you’re approaching the Red Planet, something strange and creepy draws your attention. There, yes, right there! Doesn’t it look... like a mammoth bear’s head?! What — or who?! — could possibly create a bear’s snout in the middle of a crater?
We’ve all found ourselves in situations that just left us scratching our heads in confusion. These kinds of situations can be both frustrating and fascinating, leaving us with a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around us. Most of the time, these strange and mysterious occurrences have surprisingly simple truths.
Picture this: It’s a lovely Sunday morning, and you rise from your bed, do some stretching, and open your window to a gorgeous day with clear skies. But hold up, something’s odd here — the usually jam-packed street is completely deserted. Where did everyone go? You take a closer look, and to your surprise, you realize that you’re the only soul on this planet. What’s your next move?
Ah-hem. The earliest logos can be traced back to ancient family crests. In the Middle Ages, people with pubs and shops started using various symbols to present what they did and to distinguish themselves from others in their line of business. But why is it so important for a brand to have an impactful logo? Well, because first impressions count, even for businesses. A well-crafted logo can send the right message to potential customers and help people learn more about your business at first glance. With so many logos to look at nowadays, especially since the beginning of e-commerce, it’s easy to overlook the hidden meanings and symbols in everyday products.
You run through the night forest for more than an hour. You’re even faster than a cheetah. You’re not tired or cold. You hear a mouse rustling in the roots of a tree and catch all the smells of the forest. With night vision, you see a bird in the night sky. You can go for months without food or water. Gills allow you to swim underwater freely. This is how evolution made humans in a parallel world. Here, they’re ideal organisms prepared for anything they might meet in the wild.
A shadow is cast when you have an object in the path of light. Light travels in a straight line, which is why you always get a shadow when something’s in front of a light source — birds and airplanes are no exception. They DO cast shadows, but we can’t see them.The closer the object to a source of light, the denser its shadow, and vice versa: if the object is too far away, its shadow disperses. A commercial airplane flies at 35,000-40,000 [ft] [12,191 m] feet — at such a height, you barely see the plane, let alone its shadow. It’s too far from the Earth’s surface, so its shadow is scattered, and you can’t see it — the same goes for birds.
There are countries with nearly 15,000 registered environmental non-profit organizations that focus on nature and animal welfare. This is clear proof that people care a lot about nature and reserving its best health. And it’s everyday people who fight for reserving old trees, not interrupting nature’s activities, and making sure birds and other animals live peacefully.
Scientists have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in this world. That means there are at least 8.7 million ways in which nature can surprise us with its ingenuity and unmatched artistic vision.Bright Side presents you with 15 cases in which the universe put on a wild show, and luckily, some people with cameras had front row seats.
When going for a walk, we might find random things like a paper clip, a coin, or an earring someone has lost. Some people are gifted with much more than this — as unreal it may sound, they can find a cluster of fossilized creatures, a dog-shaped cloud formation, or — one of our favorites — an unimpressed lizard.
Many of us live our lives without even thinking about the things we don’t know. But then some guy starts a thread on Reddit wondering about the “facts” people didn’t learn about until adulthood and a whole new world opens up to us. A pony is not a baby horse, sparrows and robins are not the same bird, while Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr. lived several centuries apart.
In the whirlwind of everyday life, we often have no time to see the beauty around us. We keep rushing, running, and prefer to not get distracted. But adorable things are waiting for us around every corner — all we need to do is slow down and take a look. The characters of our compilation weren’t lazy and grabbed their cameras to capture touching moments connected with their relatives, pets, or accidental passers-by.
According to Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, “Life, eh, always finds a way.” And this is true, as many people have experienced it firsthand. Be it a rogue peacock sneaking into your bathroom, a slug in a sink, or a bird nesting in instant noodles — nature will find a way to interject itself into your life one way or another, and we hope that’s all right with you.
Inspiration for unique and remarkable tattoos can be found everywhere. You can use a weird drawing from your kid or the footprints of your bird. These little things just uncover your personality and help you remember the most valuable things in your life.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a big old horse, a colorful bird, or a classic fluffy cat, we all deserve an animal best friend. They have a pure heart, don’t care about how we look, and won’t ever leave our side, and that’s the kind of love we wished to have all along.
Becoming a mom is such an amazing and strange thing when you think about it, that it becomes hard to really explain how it feels. The impact of having children would change anybody’s life and the animal kingdom is no exception to this rule. The maternal instinct is very powerful. There is nothing more moving than seeing a cat, dog, or bird feeding and protecting its offspring. As we look at them, we may wonder what they feel, since their expressions show complete love and dedication (even if the children are of another species).
It’s hardly a secret that cats love making those weird corners and tight spaces around the house their favorite chilling spots, even if they can hardly fit. We don’t know how they do it, but they fit right in, and they can even take long naps there. We can only wish to be as flexible as they are one day. But since we can’t, in the meantime, a few good pics of these contortionist kittens will do. Reddit users who are always ahead of the curve have started an “If I fits, I sits” thread with examples of this aforementioned kitty flexibility.
Many of us have cats, dogs, parrots, and other pets at home, but it’s a pretty rare occasion to meet a wild animal. Some of these intruders are so charming and sweet that we instantly fall in love. A rare bird, a little rabbit, a deer, or even a moose — who knows who you might meet during your next walk. So, be attentive and don’t miss that precious vis-à-vis.
Humans started to tame animals more than 15,000 years ago and today it’s hard to imagine a world without pets. They fill us with joy and happiness. In addition, if the owner didn’t just buy, but saved the 4-legged friend from starving on the street, owning this pet will be complemented by an onslaught of thankfulness and adoration.
We, owners, take very good care of our pets. We protect them, give them food, play with them, and adore them. But sometimes, our pets do things that make us doubt who the real owner is in the relationship. They might even do something that no one else would be able to do.
Whether it be the breath of a singing bird in cold weather or blue lava erupting from a volcano — nature’s ability to stun us with its creations is astounding. Keep your eyes wide open and your phones ready because you won’t want to miss the little miracles that nature can unveil to you on even the most ordinary of days.
A butterfly sitting on the nose of your dog or a bird that leaves a little fluffy animal on your car — these small things make your day unforgettable. And it’s even luckier when you have a camera to capture these special moments.
Being a parent is not an easy job and sometimes moms and dads have to use some tricks and even lie to their children. Most of the time, they do it so well that the deception isn’t revealed until many years later.
A pitch-black beak, head and tail, a black and grey chest, and scarlet feathers that look like the lining of a coat make the name “Dracula” incredibly fitting for this parrot! Pesquet’s parrot is a very bright bird with extraordinary coloring that makes it stand out from the other parrots and look like a real rebel.
Many people can’t imagine their lives without films, but only true fans know about the features of the cast, work peculiarities, funny moments, and other little and big secrets. For example, the first ever 3D film was shot in 1922, a dog called Indiana was Chewbacca’s prototype, and there’s a film that we’ll never see since it won’t be released until 2115.
There are people who are probably the luckiest people in the world. Their car keys don’t fall in the drain if they drop them, birds help them not to get a ticket for exceeding the speed limit, and they discover treasures right under their feet. Let’s have a look at photos showing amazing luck.
Learning how to take pictures is only half the battle in the modern world. You’ll need some luck to take a one-in-a-million photograph. For example, to notice perfect lines of a sailboat at sunset or take a picture of a bird with transparent wings, you should be in the right place at the right time. If you think that you can’t be surprised, then take a look at these masterpieces.
The world around us is so diverse that it seems it will never stop surprising us. Even if you’ve already seen a lot of things and you think there’s nothing that can surprise you, we will show you something that you’ve probably never seen: a kiwi egg that is as big as the bird itself, holes right in the middle of the water, and even what the human tongue looks like while a person is speaking.