There are many ways to become a parent, but one of the most unexpected ones has to be by finding an abandoned baby. And that’s just what happened to Peter and Danny during one faithful subway ride in New York. And their story reminds us that if it’s meant to be, the universe will find a way.
There are over 2.4 million people who ride the subway every day in New York City alone. Most of these commuters have encountered some unique instances during their ride that made the experience a lot less boring and more enjoyable. It could have been the guy feeding his pink chicken cheerios or even time travelers from the 80s.
In this article, you’ll find stories of people who have made bold spending decisions and had their lives changed in unexpected ways. Some people made their dream come true or learned an important lesson, and some became an example for others.
We often believe that kindness brings warmth and appreciation, but reality doesn’t always match that expectation. Sometimes, a good deed is met with confusion, rudeness, or even anger. The stories in this collection reveal the unexpected challenges of trying to do the right thing. Yet, despite the setbacks, they serve as a reminder that kindness still matters—not for the recognition, but because it makes the world a little better, no matter the outcome.
Studies from Harvard Health show that random acts of kindness can lower stress levels and even ease physical pain. In this collection of stories, people went above and beyond to remind you that no matter how chaotic life feels, there’s always someone out there ready to lend a hand or change a life.
Sometimes it may seem that life is divided into stories with predictable outcomes: if you prepare for an exam, you pass it well, if your boss doesn't like you, you get fired, and so on. However, the future is unpredictable, and any situation may end up in a very unexpected way.
There are times when it seems that the chain of problems will never end. But then we meet people who, with a few words or a simple act, prove to us that life is beautiful, and after a black stripe there is always a white one. Just read this.
Life is full of inexplicable events that defy logic, no matter how hard we try to make sense of them. While some mysteries remain unsolved, lingering as haunting memories, others eventually reveal their secrets, often years later. In this article, we bring you a collection of astonishing real events that rival even the best mystery thrillers.
Public transport has long become an integral part of our daily lives, and we no longer tend to notice how many comical and unusual situations occur during the journey. Sometimes even one phrase from a passenger can bring a smile to your face and make you feel positive for the rest of the day.
In the autumn season, we are tempted to wrap ourselves in a blanket to feel warm and cozy. And sometimes, after reading stories about kind people or just something touching, you may feel warm again. And your face breaks into a smile.
That uneasy, stomach-turning feeling is something we all try to avoid, but there are moments when it becomes impossible to escape. These people experienced events so deeply revolting that the memory still haunts them, leaving a lasting impression they just can’t shake, no matter how much time has passed.
Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the day, we stop paying attention to what is happening around us, and it seems as if everyone has become indifferent. But if you stop for a second and look around, you will notice that the world is full of good people. And if you suddenly think that everyone has become a bit cold-hearted, just read these 12 stories.
Despite our efforts to avoid it, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that make us want to throw up or run away. People in this article shared stories of gross experiences, whether with someone they knew or a complete stranger, and they still can’t forget those moments.
Disgust is a feeling we usually steer clear of, but sometimes we find ourselves in situations that make us want to gag or run away. People in this article encounter gross experiences that still make them feel sick when they think about them.
One of the emotions we often try to avoid is disgust. Yet, we can find ourselves in situations that make us want to gag or flee in revulsion. The people in this article faced nauseating experiences, whether from someone familiar or a stranger, and they can’t shake off that feeling of repulsion whenever they recall it.
Many people have stories of bizarre experiences that defy logic. From strange phenomena to eerie encounters and uncanny coincidences, these unexplained events spark curiosity and intrigue. But some people are brave enough to recount these moments publically, despite fear of judgment.
Amidst the glamour of Hollywood, one actor chooses a path less traveled, literally. Ed Begley, known for his acting prowess, bucks the trend of flashy limousines on Oscar night, instead opting for a more down-to-earth approach—the subway. Accompanied by his daughter, Begley’s unconventional choice of transportation to the Academy Awards sparks curiosity.
Seventeen years ago, Suri Cruise was born into instant fame as the only child of Hollywood A-listers, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Despite her life of privilege, Suri has grown into a grounded and independent young woman, all thanks to her dedicated mother. Following her 2012 divorce from Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes is highly determined to give Suri a normal and well-grounded upbringing.
Scaling a mountain, you’re on a very fast pace. You and your friend had decided to go rock climbing since it was one of your New Year’s resolutions. All of a sudden, rocks started falling down on you, bouncing and sliding. But nothing happened to you. Not even a scratch!The universe’s definitely on your side today. When you reached the top, you spotted a green leaf falling from the skies. But wait, it’s a $100 bill! You grab it, but it all feels weird. Time to go back down.You wanna try your luck more and decide to go down in one jump only. It’s safe though, you’ve got your harness on. One, two, three, a deep breath, and off you go! In less than no time you’ve reached the ground. When your friend is back to the ground, you jump in a car and drive back home.
You’re on an expedition through the swamplands of Florida. You run into some sinkholes ... oops, was that a crocodile? Watch out! Suddenly, you reach an asphalt road. It looks a lot like a runway, but there’s no airport building around. You decide to inspect it, and a walk down the runway takes you around half an hour! At the end of it, you notice a trailer. There are 4 people inside. They tell you you’ve accidentally run into what was supposed to become the largest airport in the world. 5 times the size of JFK, to be more precise.
You’re traveling by train and hear the wheels banging against the tracks. But suddenly, the train rises and gains altitude. None of the passengers scream in panic because this is a regular thing now. Well, maybe not yet, but it might become our reality anytime soon! Akka Technologies company is developing such a project. Their goal is to reduce travel time and make trips more comfortable. To travel today, you need to get to the airport, spend a few hours there at the check-in and security check. And only after that can you board the plane. When the plane lands, you need to go through standard airport procedures again and then get to the city. Only after this, your trip is over. It means you use at least three different types of transport.
Some people believe that all wealthy people spend their money on whatever they want. But these actresses proved them wrong; despite earning millions of dollars per month, they remain grounded and humble. And this should be the case for us as well, since being humble costs nothing, but shows that our humility is our most valuable asset.
What if you looked out of the window and saw an elk in your yard, jumping on your trampoline? Unexpected, right? This is how other Internet users felt when they accidentally came across animals doing extraordinary things.
The life of the royals can hardly be called ordinary, but now and then they have a chance to do something pretty “common”. For example, they browse the shelves of supermarkets and department stores, go to the subway, ride buses and even drive trains. It may sound unbelievable, but luckily, royal photographers have collected a bunch of convincing proof that nothing human is alien to the royals.
Over 30 years ago, Keanu Reeves started making a name for himself, but that didn’t stop him from living a “normal” life. And even though, because of his random acts of kindness, he is one of the Internet’s favorite celebrities, he prefers to stay off the radar as much as possible.
Patience is a virtue, they say, and this statement is very true. Many situations in our lives can be a real challenge to go through without getting annoyed or frustrated: traffic is always slow when you’re running late, and your kids want yet another bedtime story when you’re practically falling asleep. But scientists are convinced that being patient does pay off — such people are better friends and even have fewer headaches.
Many wonders in this world can literally catapult us into the extraordinary in the blink of an eye. Just imagine leaving the subway and suddenly hearing some Johnny Cash tunes. Played by a street musician right from inside a trash can!
The Harry Potter film series, that is loved by so many people, actually hides a lot of secrets. This is partly due to the fact that some scenes were mercilessly removed during the final editing, and because of that, we missed many important and funny moments.
We often believe that the lives of the stars are all about glamour, limousines, private jets, and other luxuries that we common people don’t really have access to. But the reality is that many celebrities choose to live their lives in a “normal” way, like the rest of us. With new technologies and smartphone cameras, anybody can become a paparazzo for a few minutes and immortalize that moment when they shared a bus with a Hollywood star.
Japan is a country with a unique culture that the residents of other countries seem to never be able to get to know completely. And many photos about the Japanese lifestyle and traditions published on the Internet prove it. Thanks to these pics, other people can learn many curious things about the Land of the Rising Sun.
Japan has one of the most complicated systems of social conventions and rules of behavior. An inexperienced tourist who visits this country for the first time can easily get confused and mix things up. Local people can easily spot foreigners in the crowd by the seemingly insignificant mistakes they make. Fortunately, the Japanese are very tolerant of tourists who unknowingly violate their rules of good manners. Still, no one wants to mess things up in a foreign country, so that’s why it’s better to know those nuances.
The bond with your pet is almost unbreakable. And Spanish illustrator Gemma Gené, who is the proud parent of a pug named Mochi, knows this for sure. She started drawing her adorable pooch while going to work on the subway in 2014, because she missed him, and now Gemma has over 342k followers who adore Mochi and know the habits of this pup like it’s their own pet.
There are some celebrities who, when they become famous and wealthy, change their lifestyle dramatically. They start to only travel via limousine, they buy expensive cars or move into luxurious mansions, and they attend the most exclusive parties. But on the exact opposite side, there are others who do not let themselves be overpowered by success and, even though they have several million dollars in their bank accounts, they embrace a more humble way of life. Some of them even continue to do the same things they did before they became well-known worldwide.
We are sure that many people have had times in their lives when they just wanted to get a good night’s sleep. At times like that, you start to value the simple things: a good bed, clean sheets, and a comfortable pillow. From lack of sleep, not only do our bodies suffer, but funny stories also happen because our brains just don’t function normally.
Women have a great sense of humor. Women, unlike men, are great at picking up on the smallest details and finding something fascinating in the things that men don’t even notice. And then, they tell everyone about their discoveries with humor and irony.
Everyone makes mistakes, and there are instances when you may feel a bit silly about yourself later. But worry not, according to the Internet, people have done way worse, like get a major tattoo fail, let their pizza slip away on the subway while napping, and many more hilarious mistakes like these.