So good of that dog to overcome his fears! He looks like a good boy!
15+ Pets Who Did Something for the First Time, and We’re Proud of Them
When you’re just a little puppy or kitten, you need to learn how to do a lot of new things. And these first-time experiences, like going to the beach or seeing a Christmas tree, can sometimes be really disturbing. Luckily, our pets always have their humans who can make all their fears melt away, and who don’t forget to take photos at the same time.
We at Bright Side literally can’t stop looking at our pets, especially when they do something for the very first time. Just take a look at these cuties!
16. First teeth
15. Beanie finally pooped in her litter box for the first time and now she’s exhausted.
14. She opened her eyes for the first time.
13. This happy little rescue is going for a convertible ride and feeling the wind in his fur for the first time ever.
12. “My new puppy trying on his harness for the first time”
11. First time at the beach
10. First time that Bonk has felt safe enough, since the shelter, to venture upstairs into the sun.
9. First time meeting a cat
8. “My dog is terrified of walking through doorways. Today, for the first time in his life, he came into my room and snoozed on my bed!”
7. Bathing herself for the first time
6. Bear’s first time in the mountains, and needless to say he’s in heaven.
5. “This boy had a spinal injury when he was 12 weeks old. We have helped him learn to walk again and today he peed on his own for the first time. He’s so proud!”
4. “My cat sees a Christmas tree for the first time.”
3. Pupper without her leash on for the first time
2. “Our cat looking out the window the first time since we moved into an apartment”
1. “This is Bill. Yesterday he had his first day of training to be my medical alert dog. He will learn how to save my life.”
Do you have any photos of your pets’ first times doing something? We’d love to see them in the comments!
These are really beautiful. Loved the dog meeting the cat for the first time
There's nothing like a first time and these little ones prove it! How adorable the dog showing its first teeth ???
Number 8 was me when I was younger whenever I wanted something I knew I couldn't get LOL
For a moment I thought the cat from #5 was a person idk why haha

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