haha the firsg man reminds me of Jay" Pritchett & stella :p
20+ People Who Said They’d Never Have a Pet in Their House
Parent’s logic is controversial at times. If your family members swear they’ll never allow a pet in the house, don’t get upset right away! Experience has shown that moms and dads change their mind and easily forget their declarations as soon as they see a couple of little furry paws.
Here at Bright Side, we’ve gathered solid evidence that the parents who were against any pets love their pets the same, if not more than they love their kids.
1. My father, who used to hate cats, and Linus, my cat
2. Dad: “No animals in this house!” Also dad:
3. My dad didn’t want us to get a dog at first. I found this picture in his room.
4. No dogs in my car or on my bed, said my dad.
5. My father is 79, here’s how he went from “I don’t want that cat” to carrying her to “her room” for bed each night.
6. My dad didn’t like cats, and now he claims my sister’s kitten as his own.
7. “We can’t keep it.” — my dad 10 months ago
8. Caught him hugging the dog he didn’t want.
9. He never wanted a dog. Here’s how it looked like 4 days after they met.
10. “That brown dog” who became “brown dog,” and then “Mr. Brown,” moved in with us. This is them 6 months later.
11. He was a firm opponent of hairless cats.
12. “He’s always going to be in the way, I’ll step on him.”
13. My dad “didn’t want” a dog. Here’s how he hangs up both of their coats to dry after it rains.
14. Dad: “If we get a turtle, I’m not looking after it.” Also dad: “Ok Hector, let me show you pictures of your brothers.”
15. “3 months after saying he didn’t want a dog.”
16. When he was a puppy, my mom refused to even touch him for months. Now, she cooks and gives him sweet potatoes every day.
17. “My dad, Mr. ‘Absolutely no dogs,’ with his best friend”
18. “Pit bulls are dangerous, he said...”
19. A little while ago my dad said, “There’s no way we’re getting a dog.”
20. “My dad said he didn’t want an iPad... or a dog.”
21. My dad would never admit how much he loves our old dog. But after finding this picture on his phone, he doesn’t have to.
22. Husband (one year ago): “We aren’t getting a dog.” Husband (2 days after we acquired this little squirt): “Awww, she keeps crying, can’t she just sleep with us?”
23. The dad that didn’t want a dog. Dad and the dog:
24. In 7 months we’ve progressed from, “We’re not getting a dog. Period.” to this.
Were your family members ever against having pets and then changed their mind? We’d be happy to see your pictures in the comment section below.
how can someone not want to have a pet???
pets are so cute..no one can refuse to have them
I WANT A PET SO BADLY!!!!!!!! My mom doesn't want one tho. (The short story is from when I was 9.)
having a pet = having the best friend for life 😊

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