20 Pets That Got Us Right in the Feels

4 years ago

By getting a pet, you buy yourself a ticket to life with an enormous amount of love, care, and adorableness. So if your pet falls asleep holding your finger, crawls into your arms to hide from thunder, or even just smiles at you preciously, take a shot and share it! It will not only preserve your sweet memories forever, but it will also make someone else happy if you post it online.

Here at Bright Side we adore pets, and what we love even more is when people post the most charming pics of their pets. We can’t wait to share the best ones with you.

1. This is the kind of photo you print and hang on the wall in the house.

2. He fell asleep holding my finger.

3. His self-love is overflowing.

4. Adopted from the same shelter on the same day. They have to be touching 24/7.

5. Teefies and curled feetsies, all in one!

6. This big baby is only 3 months old and she’s scared of thunderstorms.

7. Floofy kisses for mama

8. When the AC hits just right.

9. Who knew capybaras were cuddly!

10. My wife fell asleep, then our puppy fell asleep on her face.

11. 10 Piece McPupper

12. This little guy found the best place in the park to rest.

13. Say “Cheese”!

14. Those little toofers!

15. My mom’s little ankle biter

16. “I has a sleep here.”

17. Those soulful eyes!

18. A handful of cuteness

19. Puppers on swings are even cuter than actual babies.

20. The branch manager and assistant branch manager

Do you have a pet? Share the sweetest pic of it in the comment section below!


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sadly my cat doesn't want to touch me so much with its paws :(
they are so cute and I always want to touch them but he just removes them away


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