10+ Pics That Could Easily Be Next to the Word “Peculiar” in the Dictionary

year ago

If a one-headed duck quacks once a second, does a 2-headed one quack twice a second? That is a rhetorical question, of course — we’re only here to admire how people, animals, and snapshots can flaunt their uniqueness. Experiencing something bewildering can turn an otherwise boring day into one where we feel like the main character of a movie.

The word “peculiar” has at least 20 synonyms, and if we could put together a visual dictionary, we’d have the first 18 covered with the following pics — maybe you can supply a picture for the last 2.

“I was born with a very rare condition that makes my body fall apart. In addition to this, I also have very hypermobile joints that dislocate easily.”

“2 thumbs up”

“Double-headed duck”

Photographer Martin Le-May captured a rare sighting: a weasel riding a woodpecker.

“Found these mother and child vegetables sharing a moment together in my garden.”

“Half of my finger goes numb and turns white because of Raynaud’s syndrome.”

“My aunt’s chicken left a strange surprise.”

“This creepy, beautiful lemon grew on our tree.”

“I have a birthmark on my eye.”

“Found myself a nature-made hammock.”

“I accidentally took a photo of the inside of my cat’s eyeball.”

“We found a mushroom in our yard bigger than a basketball.”

“My ear of corn changed its pattern 3/4 down.”

“The scar on my hand from a skin transplant from my upper arm gets more tan than the rest.”

“This horseradish root looks like a dinosaur hand.”

“I was born this way.”

“A wolf lived with a tree branch trapped between his teeth for years.”

“My mutated toe”

What would you name the 2-headed duckling? Do you have a picture that could be synonymous with “peculiar?” Post it in the comments and challenge your favorite person to do it as well.


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