Maybe he's a secret sibling.
15 Rare Coincidences That Can Only Happen Once in a Lifetime
Sometimes we face coincidences so rare that they seem impossible. We can call it a glitch in the Matrix that brings 2 identical people to one place, or destiny that puts 2 identical birthmarks on the fingers of 2 people in love. Either way, these coincidences are akin to a miracle.
We at Bright Side created a list of people who were lucky enough to witness coincidences that are likely to happen only once.
1. “My boyfriend and I have the same birthmark on the same finger in the same location.”
2. “This bird flew in and landed on this!”
3. A Dorito chip that looks exactly like the one on the package
4. “Who wore it better?”
5. “The way the lines match up”
6. “My plate fell and broke into 2 exact pieces.”
7. “Wasps made a nest in an anti-wasp spray bottle.”
8. “Found a glitch while scrolling through pictures of cats on Facebook.”
9. “Double vision”
10. “None of these people on the bus knew each other.”
11. “Same model, different textures”
12. “Saw a glitch in the Matrix in Central London.”
13. “Co-workers hit the candy bowl at the same time.”
14. “One found by my wife, the other by me, 8 minutes apart on a beach at Lake Superior”
15. Ice formed the exact same pattern, creating a double fence.
Have you ever witnessed any unusual coincidences? Maybe you managed to capture it on camera! Share your stories and pictures in the comment section below.
Can somebody explain no 14 to me, please?
No 12 are obviously twins.
me and my gf have a scar on the same place - on our right brows 😄
My husband and I have the same birthmark on our butts. Totally blew our minds when we noticed and anyone we've told.
Who knows if that bird can actually read🤣

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