10 Recreated Photos That Are Way Cooler Than the Originals

6 years ago

Photos are a good way to get nostalgic and remember good and pleasant moments. Moreover, a printed photo can last for more than 100 years with proper storage. Even a century later, family albums will still house warm memories. And it’s so great when some people don’t just leaf through albums and remember how great it was in the old days. They actually put forth the effort to recreate photographs. And sometimes these reproductions are even better than the originals.

Bright Side wants to share with you some vivid examples of the fact that happy moments are worth redoing over and over again.

1. “1984 and 2013 — 29 years later, my brothers and I recreated our family vacation photo at the Texas State Capitol”

2. 37 years difference. Both sailor costumes were made by mom.

3. Reporting for duty

4. “My big sister and I accidentally recreated a picture from our childhood — she’s been giving me the same comforting big sister hugs since we were kids.”

5. “Me as a baby wearing a ridiculous wig vs me at 21 with the hair I ended up growing”

6. “So we recreated a photo (me on top).”

7. “For my mom’s sixtieth birthday, my brothers, my cousin, and I recreated a photo from my first day of kindergarten.”

8. “My parents recreated their honeymoon picture 40 years later.”

9. First and last day of school

10. “Giving my boys a ride/and my boys giving me a ride.”

Which of these remakes did you like the most? Do you have any recreated photos? Tell and show us in the comments.

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Sluggerknuckles / reddit


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