We Imagined How the British Royals Would Look If They Were as Old as the Queen

2 years ago

At the age of 95, Her Majesty The Queen seems to have found the secret to a long life. She leads a healthy lifestyle, gets regular medical screenings, and tries to stay mentally sharp. And, if the other royals follow in the queen’s steps, they might also live as long.

That’s when it hit us — what would the royals look like if they were the same age as the queen? So, we at Bright Side, with the help of the team of Photoshoppers, transformed them into 95-year-olds. And, we must say, some of them look gorgeous.

1. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

2. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge

3. Anne, Princess Royal

4. Prince Charles of Wales

5. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

6. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

7. Princess Eugenie, Mrs Jack Brooksbank

8. Princess Beatrice, Mrs Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi

9. Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex

10. Prince Andrew, Duke of York

Do you think they’d look like this at age 95? Which look surprised you the most?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!


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