12 Stars Who Revealed They Aren’t a Fan of Roles They’re Known For

year ago

From the script being lackluster to the tedious production process, there can be many reasons why actors don’t look back favorably on a movie they starred in or a character they played. Although the films were entertaining to us as an audience, it is always interesting to take a little sneak peek at what was going on behind the scenes.

Bright Side compiled a list of a wide range of reasons why actors have complaints about the work they’ve done.

1. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in Star Wars

© Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back / Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, LUCAS FILMS/BAD ROBOT/WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS / Album/EAST NEWS

Carrie Fisher once said that if she had known Star Wars would end up being such a big hit, she would have never agreed to the role. Prior to her playing Princess Leia, she didn’t have many big roles, so the actress basically went from being virtually unknown to a mega-celebrity overnight.

2. Meryl Streep as Miranda in The Devil Wears Prada

EAST NEWS, The Canadian Press/Associated Press/East News

While filming the movie, Meryl Streep decided to try method acting, where she would try to act like Miranda in real life and stay away from her co-stars, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt. However, it took a toll on Streep’s mental well-being. She recalled the experience as an unpleasant one, saying, “It was horrible! I was miserable in my trailer.”

3. Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor in Terminator Genisys

Image supplied by Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS

The actress says that the production of the movie was really chaotic, and that “nobody had a good time,” including the director. When the film didn’t do well at the box office, she felt relief that she would not have to return to do any sequels. Emilia Clarke recalls that everyone knew about the production being rocky, so the crew of the movie, Fantastic Four, which was being filmed nearby, got jackets that said, “At least we are not on Terminator.

4. Penn Badgley as Joe in You

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His character on the show, Joe, is a stalker, so Penn Badgley wants to highlight that he really hates the man he plays and has nothing in common with him. He said that the second season of the series had some scenes that made him think that he has never disliked Joe as much as he does right now.

5. Michelle Pfeiffer as Stephanie in Grease 2

Paramount Pictures/Collection Christophel/East News

She regrets taking part in the movie because the actress thinks that it was a bad project. She blames it on her age, saying that she participated in it only because she “was young and didn’t know any better.”

6. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in X-Men

Doane Gregory/Everett Collection/East News, AFP/EAST NEWS

The actress said that she loved the X-Men movies, but hated the body paint she was put in. She took the role when she was young, so she didn’t care about the “fumes and toxins” from her makeup back then, but after turning 25, she started minding it more. And to add to the experience, during the production of one movie, it took her a whole 8 hours to get the full makeup on.

7. The Jonas Brothers as themselves in Jonas

The Disney Channel series, Jonas, had the Jonas Brothers playing fictionalized versions of themselves for a young audience. The band said they regretted ever doing this project. Nick Jonas revealed that the show kept them from evolving and “stunted their growth.” Kevin Jonas said that because of the show, people were treating them like a “joke” rather than a serious band.

8. Anya Taylor-Joy as Thomasin in The Witch


The Witch was one of Anya Taylor-Joy’s first roles, and after seeing how the movie turned out, she thought she would never get a chance to work again. The actress was disappointed by her own acting and felt as if she didn’t do it right and let everybody down.

9. Kate Winslet as Rose in Titanic

Twentieth Century Fox/Paramount Pictures/Lightstorm Entertainment/East News, AFP/EAST NEWS

This role might have landed Kate Winslet an Oscar nomination, but the actress said she can’t watch the movie because she felt disappointed with her performance in “every scene.” The actress also didn’t like the way she did an American accent.

10. Daniel Craig as James Bond in James Bond movies

Columbia Pictures/Collection Christophel/East News

When asked if he ever wanted to do another Bond movie, the actor said that he doesn’t want to do it “in this moment” or “at all.” He said that this is a thing of the past, so all he wants to do is move on.

11. Mandy Patinkin as Jason Gideon in Criminal Minds

The actor called accepting the role on Criminal Minds his “worst public mistake” because he could not handle the violence that was being depicted on the show. He said that it had taken a toll on his soul and personality, so he was happy to leave the show.

12. Ian McKellen as Gandalf in The Hobbit

The actor said that he doesn’t recall there ever being a green screen while he was filming The Lord of the Rings movies. And if the scene involved his character being on a mountain, then the actor would also physically be on the mountain filming it. But technology has evolved, and in The Hobbit, a lot of scenes were filmed via the green screen. Ian McKellen called it a “miserable” experience.

Which of the actors’ stories surprised you the most?

Preview photo credit Doane Gregory/Everett Collection/East News, AFP/EAST NEWS


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