15+ Pics With Unique Angles That May Confuse the Heck Out of You

3 years ago

Sometimes, we’ll do anything just to get the right angle for a pic, but we end up with a perspective that puzzles our minds. Even when it’s as simple as taking a photo of our kid relaxing or our goofy pet that loves to play on the stairs, the end result can leave you scratching your head.

We at Bright Side enjoyed these pics, especially since it feels like they tested our imagination on a whole new level.

1. “Huge microphone?”

2. “I’m fine.”

3. “This hotel looks 2D from this angle.”

4. “Short or no legs?”

5. “My cat on his scratching post, with his very detached tail.”

6. When dogs become human...

7. This baby takes leg day seriously.

8. “Today on my walk through Philly, I came across a camouflaged building.”

9. Levitating water

10. It looks like the car is holding a light post.

11. “At first, I thought she was petting a dog, but she’s harvesting potatoes.”

12. It’s for sale...

13. “My brother sent me a photo from the ski hill. It was my desktop background for a week before I realized it was upside down.”

14. “That’s a very strong panel of drawers.”

15. A 2-headed dog

16. Maybe she was the inspiration to make the movie, Pets.

17. A man floating in mid-air

18. “He’s just lying down behind the stairs.”

Which pic confused you the most? Have you ever taken this type of photo? If you have, can you share it with us?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

Please note: This article was updated in November 2021 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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