15 Ideal Women Based on the Appearance of Icons From Different Epochs

2 years ago

Each era in Hollywood is marked by its glamorous starlets, whose look and style define the beauty standards of their time. Even though harmony and symmetry are timeless when we compare the features of the most beautiful women then and now, we might be surprised. Because after all, the time has the power to influence and revolutionize everything, including our understanding of beauty.

Bright Side has defied the limits set by time and reality. We decided to morph the features of icons who were born decades apart and recognized by the world for their beauty.

1. Audrey Hepburn / Bella Hadid

2. Marilyn Monroe / Scarlett Johansson

3. Sophia Loren / Megan Fox

4. Jane Fonda / Nicole Kidman

5. Ava Gardner / Mila Kunis

6. Romy Schneider / Jennifer Aniston

7. Vivien Leigh / Katy Perry

8. Grace Kelly / Margot Robbie

9. Raquel Welch / Natalie Portman

10. Lauren Bacall / Gigi Hadid

11. Jane Birkin / Irina Shayk

12. Rita Hayworth / Christina Hendricks

13. Natalie Wood / Kendall Jenner

14. Brigitte Bardot / Amanda Seyfried

15. Elizabeth Taylor / Angelina Jolie

Did you find a big difference in what’s considered beautiful then and now? Are beauty standards really changing with time or is our perception influenced by temporary trends?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!


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