I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo done by Margot Robbie :)
20 Celebs Whose Hidden Talents Can Surprise You Better Than a Plot Twist
5 years ago
Celebrities can be talented beyond what they are famous for. There’s a rapper who can draw, an actor who can pull off an unusual party trick, and a tough-looking comedian who can create wonderful art. While they may not be paid for these side skills, they certainly deserve some applause for them.
Bright Side is impressed with how multi-talented these artists are and feels that their lesser-known talents should be shared with the public.
1. Eminem is an artist in more ways than one.
2. Zac Efron makes working the pole look like a breeze.
3. Harry Potter might be able to speak Parseltongue, but Daniel Radcliffe can do this.
4. Amanda Seyfried can knit and crochet like a boss.
5. Christina Hendricks, like her character in Mad Men, can really play the accordion.
6. Johnny Cash was capable of breaking military code.
7. Geena Davis is so good at archery, she was once a semi-finalist for the Olympic trials.
8. Rubik’s cube can be tricky for some, but Justin Bieber can solve it in 2 minutes.
9. He is best known as a comedian-actor, but Terry Crews also has amazing artistic skills.
10. The Big Bang Theory star, Kaley Cuoco rides horses competitively.
11. Kate Beckinsale is a good writer and has won literary awards twice in a row.
12. Hedy Lamarr, known for Samson and Delilah, was also an inventor who created technology that led to the creation of Wi-Fi.
13. Queen guitarist Brian May is an astrophysicist who also co-authored a book on the origins of the universe.
14. Before he was an actor, Christopher Walken was a lion-tamer.
15. Suicide Squad actress, Margot Robbie, has tattooed people lots of times.
16. Pierce Brosnan, the James Bond actor, knows how to eat fire.
17. Gerard Way, from the band My Chemical Romance, writes comics, one of which is The Umbrella Academy.
18. Bob Dylan is not only great at singing, he also welds and sculpts with metal.
19. Jack White from the band The White Stripes is also an upholsterer.
20. Jamie Lee Curtis invented a diaper with a pocket that can hold wipes.
Which of these can you relate to? Do you work in an office by day, but are an artist or an inventor at home?
Preview photo credit EAST NEWS
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I can do the same as Daniel Radcliffe with my tongue. People freak out when they see it ?
Talented people are talented in everything, truly this :)
I can solve a Rubik's cube faster.

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