We often hear people say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But sometimes, these images are just a small reflection of something much more complex and exciting. An achievement, a memorable moment, an act of kindness, or enjoying a quiet moment with our children can all be the subject of the “perfect picture.”
As an example, Bright Side has put together these pictures that may be cute, but when you know what the story behind each one is, they become really special images.
1. “After 30 years of mortgage payments, I paid it off today. It’s all ours.”
2. “Had an ’adoption reveal’ photo shoot for our newly adopted teen, complete with teenage eye rolls.”
3. “My wife and I don’t have kids yet, so we take our dog out to look at the lights. He absolutely loves it.”
4. “Adopted my daughter today. The judge even let her bang the gavel to commemorate it.”
5. “Jazzy reached her goal weight!”
6. “Not the biggest deal, but I just finished a semester of college after taking 9 years off.”
“I was 10-13 years older than all of my classmates, but I did it!! Just one more semester to go.”
7. “Wife is a violinist and my daughter is finally old enough to go watch her mom play The Nutcracker.”
“Pic is pre-show, Mom is describing what is going to happen on stage.”
8. “My dog passed away back in March so I made a keepsake in his image.”
9. “Having an unexpected baby has been a difficult time but watching Sesame Street with this little lady makes it all worth it.”
10. “Found this in an uber.”
11. “My grandpa hasn’t been able to get a job in years. Today he starts his new valet job and he’s SO excited and looks so spiffy in his uniform!!”
12. “I literally have a mountain of laundry that needs to be put away. But my son wanted to cuddle and nap so I’m happily doing this instead.”
13. “Every year, my parents recreate the Christmas card our friends send them of their kids, here’s this year’s!”
14. “After being told my girlfriend couldn’t get pregnant, we are planning our future!!! Life is good!”
15. “My dad got his university diploma yesterday. It’s never too late!”
16. “My son’s drawing of ’safe’”
17. “I gathered you all here today... ”
18. “My wife’s family made fun of me for wanting green bean casserole at Thanksgiving because they all hate it.”
“My father-in-law felt bad and secretly made some for me anyway.”
19. “My daughter’s third birthday is today. I never got to bring her home. So for the past 2 years, on her birthday, we’ve donated toys for kids.”
“This year, I was able to fill a whole truck bed full of toys. Happy Birthday, Blake.”
20. “First time dad at 37, been waiting my entire life for him. Holden at 5 months!”
21. “Paco had an appointment with a cardiologist this week, and we found out the tear in his heart valve is healing!”
“His heart condition went from severe to mild. My heart is full, I’m so happy!”
22. “Annual photo follow-up post”
23. “At the risk of sounding cliché, the last 7 months have challenged me and tested me in ways I never thought possible.”
“But every time I start to feel like I’m in over my head, he reminds me that we can do this.”
24. “I finally got a breast reduction after years of trying! They removed about 5 pounds and I went from about a DDD to a C.”
“My shoulder pain is gone and my back pain has almost disappeared.”
What has been the most important achievement or the happiest moment of your life, and why? If you have photos to reminisce about, feel free to share them with us, and maybe you’ll be part of one of our next articles.