Channing Tatum Alludes to Being Anti-Marriage After a “Terrifying” Divorce From Jenna Dewan

year ago

The Magic Mike star and his wife, Jenna Dewan, broke the hearts of many fans worldwide in 2018 when they announced their impending divorce. Suddenly, Tatum was back on the market and didn’t waste any time trying to find the next love of his life. From 2018 to 2020, the famous actor was in a relationship with singer Jessie J, and since 2021, he’s been linked to actress Zoë Kravitz.

Channing’s heart was quickly open to new romantic opportunities, but he recently revealed that his failed marriage didn’t go as unnoticed to him as his fans might’ve thought.

Channing Tatum admits that the divorce took a toll on him.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, © Step Up / Touchstone Pictures and Co-producers

While speaking with Vanity Fair, Tatum opened up about what was going on between him and Jenna Dewan behind closed doors, saying, “We fought for it for a really long time, even though we both sort of knew that we had sort of grown apart.” He continued to explain that they’d always known they were different but tried to ignore it at first. “But when you’re actually parents, you really understand the differences between the 2 of you. Because it is screaming at you all day long. How you parent differently, how you look at the world, how you go through the world,” Tatum admitted.

But they couldn’t pretend much longer and decided to separate, which hit Tatum hard. “In the beginning, it was super scary and terrifying.” And yet, in hindsight, he knows it was the right decision. “It was probably exactly what I needed. I don’t think I would’ve ever done the work, I think, on myself in the way that I had to do the work on myself to really try to figure out what was next,” said Tatum. And so he re-entered the dating pool.

The trauma might’ve turned him against marriage.

IMAGO/Steve Vas/Imago Stock and People/East News

While Tatum doesn’t close his heart to love, his mind still tricks him, trying to prevent him from getting hurt again. He admitted, “I don’t know if I’m ever going to get married again.” He continued by explaining that sometimes he tends to care a bit too much. “Relationships are hard for me. Even though I am a bit of a monogamist. In business, I have no real fear of anything being destroyed. But heart things, when it comes to people I love, I have a really hard time. I end up trying too hard, you know?

The actor is currently in a relationship with Zoë Kravitz, and things seem to be going well. The couple is very private and is very rarely seen in public together. This might be due to their shared history of heartbreak, as Kravitz was also married before and went through a divorce in 2021. Tatum compared not wanting to ruin a relationship by getting married to pottery, saying, “You know when things are kind of just working, you don’t want to touch it? Like pottery. If I keep pressing on it, it’s going to buck me off. And you’re just like, ’Ooh. Maybe I should stop.’”

He’s still a doting dad to his daughter.

One thing that Tatum’s divorce strengthened is his relationship with his daughter. He revealed that she was the one that got him through the tough times. “It just started with my daughter. I just dropped everything and just focused on her. And it was truly the best possible thing that I ever could have done. Because in the alone time that I have with just me and her, we’ve become best friends.”

Tatum and his daughter have a lot of fun together, and he cherishes the time he spends with her. He once took to Instagram to share their most recent adventure and captioned the photo with the words: “You, my littles, are everything! You are my world and my heart... We have fun.”

Have you ever been through a divorce? Did it turn you off to marriage?

Preview photo credit channingtatum / Instagram, Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News


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