Teenagers Put On 13 Pounds of Clothes Hoping to Not Get Charged Extra

year ago

With the problem of luggage being lost on a daily basis and in terrifying numbers, it is only normal that some people are trying to board their planes with just carry-on bags. However, there are always very low weight limits for these bags and people find themselves in trouble for overweight luggage. One way to try and avoid this is to wear as many layers as you can. And this exactly what two young women from Australia did in order to avoid paying a fee.

Their carry-on bags were overweight.

According to reports, the two 19-year-olds were returning from a girls’ trip to Melbourne to Adelaide, Australia. Since their bags exceeded the weight limit of 15 pounds, they decided to wear multiple layers of clothing to avoid additional charges. Adriana Ocampo, the girl who posted the video on TikTok, even hid an iPad in her pants.

She said, “I absolutely gutted out my entire luggage, to the point where there was only like three things in my luggage — a pair of shoes, a couple of socks, a bag, and maybe a pair of jeans.”

They tried to wear as many layers as possible.

The TikTok video showed Ocampo laughing as they piled on T-shirts and jackets. However, their plan backfired when attendants informed them that they couldn’t board the flight in that manner. They were told that they had to remove the extra layers and also pay a $40 fine.

“Before we went on the flight, they were like ’Sorry, we can’t let you on the flight like this.’ As soon as I sat down, I started ripping all my layers off and stuffing it in my tote bag. And my friend sat the whole flight in her hundred layers.”

They didn’t think their baggage would be weighed.

The travelers expressed disappointment not only because their previous flight had been canceled but also because they had to pay an additional fee. They admitted to not expecting their baggage weight to be checked, with Ocampo’s exceeding 28 pounds. “Every other time I’ve flown with them, they haven’t checked.”

Jetstar acknowledged the humor in the situation but emphasized the need for fairness to all passengers. They stated that enforcing carry-on limits ensures sufficient space for everyone’s belongings and adheres to safety requirements.

This isn’t the first time someone has tried the same trick to avoid these baggage fees. But there are so many secrets about airplanes, including why the seats are almost always blue.

Preview photo credit feeling.lucki / Tik Tok


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