Looks like they let a few men vote on the list of men.
The 20 Most Attractive Men in the World According to the Opinion of Ordinary People
Recently, the social network, Reddit, conducted an opinion poll about famous people that users find the most attractive. People could choose anyone they liked, celebrities of all genders and ages and even movie characters. Today, we want to share what famous men made it on the list.
At Bright Side, we really enjoyed looking through this list of the 20 most attractive men according to Internet users. And we hope you enjoy it too.
20. Jensen Ackles
19. Tom Hardy
18. Pierce Brosnan
17. Jason Momoa
16. Chris Evans
15. Ryan Reynolds
14. Harrison Ford
13. Keanu Reeves
12. Hugh Jackman
11. Sebastian Stan
10. Matt Bomer in the White Collar TV series
9. Jon Hamm
8. Chris Hemsworth
7. Ewan McGregor
6. Young Marlon Brando
5. Danny DeVito
4. Paul Rudd
3. Idris Elba
2. Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
1. Henry Cavill
What famous man is the most attractive in your opinion? Tell us in the comments below.
At different stages of their lives perhaps some are considered handsome. But so the men who arent in the spotlight. Marlon Brando in his prime. The French actor Alain Delon in his youth, even Christopher walken as a young man was considered beautiful.
Tossup between Paul Rudd and Viggo Mortens
chris hemsworth, viggo mortensen, or orlando bloom

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