10+ Celebrities Who Are Proud to Show Their Real Selves on Social Media

year ago

New beauty trends are leaning towards a more natural look, in which it is okay to show yourself as you are. Celebrities are always in the eye of the storm with their retouched photos on magazine covers or fashion campaigns. That’s why we applaud their initiative to go natural, showing, for example, that when they wake up in the morning they look just like any of us. Because, let’s face it, nobody looks perfect as soon as they open their eyes.

1. Rachel Bloom

2. Selena Gomez

Selena explained in her social media accounts that she had to undergo a kidney transplant and that, at first, it was hard for her to show her scar: “I didn’t want it to show in pictures, and I always wore clothes that covered it. Now more than ever I feel confident about who I am, about what I lived, and I am proud of it”.

3. Danielle Brooks

In this case, Danielle referred to the lack of need to resort to any app to edit photographs and remove imperfections.

4. Vanessa Hudgens

5. Rihanna

Rihanna has no problem letting people know that she, like most women, doesn’t have waxed legs all the time.

6. Jennifer Lopez

7. Zendaya

8. Jessica Hall

Jessica shared this photo with Kendra Wilkinson from a few years ago. The actress had just had a baby and didn’t hesitate to show that she had to close her shorts with an elastic hair band. Great postpartum advice!

9. Ashley Graham

Cellulite is natural, and most women have to deal with it, so there’s no need to cancel it. This is especially true after a pregnancy. That’s why it’s great when celebrities are photographed without hiding it.

10. Hilary Duff

11. Blake Lively

12. Julia Roberts

13. Karolina Kurkova

Karolina does not have the typical navel we all have but has a smooth dimple. It has not been confirmed why that happens, but it is known that the Czech model has no objection to walking down a catwalk or showing her real body.

What do you think about celebrities showing their true selves? Do you think they influence young people, who generally take them as an example?

Struggling to find a work-life balance as a new mom, Rihanna opened up about the challenges of juggling her demanding career with motherhood. She admitted that work robs her of time with her child, making her more selective about the projects she takes on. Despite the challenges, becoming a mom has boosted her confidence, as evidenced by her high-profile performance at the Super Bowl halftime show.


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