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Research shows that psychologists from Switzerland have the highest salary in their field. In this country, their average wage is $88,304. This is because their job requires a lot of mental labor, which can be difficult and, in some cases, traumatic. We can give you a few free psychology-related tips that can be generally applied to everyone, but it’s a psychologist that will dive deep into one’s brain and heart.
Bright Side is pleased to share some of the most popular pieces of advice you’ll hear in a psychologist’s office. And though these tips work with many clients, there are some situations when an individual approach during a personal consultation is needed.
How did your parents behave? What were their motives? There are so many theories that explain why our problems stem from our childhood. If you figure out and understand why parents did this or that thing, you’ll be able to forgive them and take a huge step toward accepting yourself as you are.
Inner dialogue like, “I should have answered in a different way” or “He did it because...” are absolutely useless. We can’t explain other people’s actions: they grew up in a different atmosphere and had their own experiences that differ from yours. That’s why when you try to understand someone else’s reasons to act in this or that way, you face problems that you create.
How can we avoid assessing a situation? When you accuse a person of something, they try to protect themselves. And if you express your feelings, you give them a chance to fix the situation, preserving their dignity or the opportunity to explain their opinion.
Comparing yourself to others is a bad and useless habit to have. Like we said before, everyone has their own knowledge and finances, their own physical shape and personal qualities, desires, and achievements. If we are inspired by someone’s ideas, that’s great — we form our own desires and aims. But if we copy a person’s life, we destroy our own life that we’re supposed to enjoy.
This tip is good for all spheres of life. If you want to find a partner, meet people, change your job, pass more job interviews, find your passion, do something that’s interesting to you and that makes you leave your comfort zone.
In most cases, psychologists’ clients try to find a resolution in their interactions with other people, like in the mother-in-law that always annoys them, an angry boss, or pesky teenage kids. And the advice given in these types of situations is to set boundaries. If you just accept someone’s bad attitude, nothing will change. But if you protect your boundaries, your opponent will at least start to respect you.
A person needs anywhere between 18 to 254 days to form a new habit. Psychologists know about these workings in our brains and recommend that we always take a step forward. This means if you can’t say, “thank you” to your husband, for example, write down all his good actions every day, and after thanking him for those, you’ll see that he’s not that bad.
Each stressful situation means you’ve come out of your comfort zone. It also means that you’ve gained a new experience that will help you to remember it so that you don’t get stuck in the same situation in the future. If you were late for work and didn’t get an annual reward, the direct relation is obvious here. And if you want to build good relationships with people, you have to think about everything so that you understand what should be done and how you can solve issues.
When you try to change something, don’t overdo it. If you have some family issues and you know what should be changed, change it yourself and don’t make other family members do it for you. You also can change yourself and let the situation go or you can force your family to do what you want and help sustain an unstable atmosphere. The choice is up to you.
You should be ready to admit defeat and accept that you can’t influence everything. Don’t think about things over and over again and don’t consider the time you spend working things out as wasted. If you stop for a while, it means that you recall past experiences and you’re ready to choose the right direction to move in.
Which of these tips were useful to you? Share your thoughts with us.