This one was the funniest prank done by the actors, if you ask me ?

We love actors for their talent, the interesting characters they play, and of course, their appearance. But we also adore their sense of humor! It turns out that actors are true pranksters both on set and in real life — they’re always down to joke around.
Bright Side has taken the plunge into some actors’ lives and found some really funny stories.
Game of Thrones is one of the champions when it comes to funny stories since both the show’s actors and directors are true pranksters. Daniel Brett Weiss and David Benioff, the series’ creators, once said that Kit Harington’s character (Jon Snow) was too attractive for the grim plot. They wrote a new fake scene where after a fight with a white walker, Jon was about to lose half of his face and his famous black hair. Harington decided to take revenge and sent a photo of himself bald to the film directors. When the situation had almost turned into a scandal (due to the contract, Harington was prohibited to cut his hair until the final scenes were shot), he had to confess the picture was 5 years old.
Other Game of Thrones actors also liked to joke around. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) used to play dead. He could lie still for several hours before someone found him. Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) said that during erotic scenes, Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) wore a fluffy pink sock and it was really challenging for her to act serious. And Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) decided to prank fans who were waiting for spoilers. At the end of a promo video, he showed a duck on camera and said, “It’s a spoiler for the book readers. I won’t give anything away. Think about it.”
Knitting is Julia Roberts’ favorite hobby. She often knits between shoots, and Tom Hanks, Julia’s friend and scene partner in Larry Crowne, came up with a joke. Once, when Julia came on set, everyone was knitting. She was so excited and started giving knitting tips. Gradually, she noticed that nobody in the room was particularly proficient and that the situation was clearly ridiculous. Later, Julia admitted she loved the prank.
Maggie Smith, one of the most popular British actresses, won 2 Oscars but we still remember her as Professor McGonagall from the famous film franchise about a young wizard. Maggie says that this role has changed her life: people used to ask for her autograph before, but after the Harry Potter films, even children have started recognizing her. “There were a lot of small people who said, ’Hello!’ One child asked me, ’Were you really once a cat?’ ”
Brad Pitt and George Clooney have been waging a prank war for years. It’s said that everything began when Clooney teased Pitt with an embarrassing note. Well, Brad Pitt decided to take revenge during the making of Ocean’s Twelve by sending out a memo to the crew saying, “Please don’t look Mr. Clooney in the eye and he also insists on being referred to as ’Mr. Ocean.’ ”
Clooney also pranked Matt Damon while filming The Monuments Men. Damon had to lose a few pounds for his role, and George asked the wardrobe department to take in his wardrobe by 1/8 of an inch once every few days. Filming was taking place in Europe but Damon had to go to New York City regularly. “And then I’d go back to New York, and every time I came back my pants were tighter, and I was like, ’Ugh, this is weird. I’ve been going to the gym,’ ” Damon recalled.
When the once young and unpopular Woody Harrelson moved to New York City, he couldn’t find a job. Harrelson didn’t want to do television work because he generally didn’t like the quality of it but he still decided to audition for Cheers. And though film directors had chosen another actor, the casting director said, “Aha! Hang on. I want you to come in and read this for the boys.” It turned out that she was taking him in to meet the writers. He followed behind her and he realized he needed to blow his nose. “I’m going down the hallway, through a door, into where everybody is, and I just happened to be blowing my nose, and then everybody laughed before I said a word. And as director Jimmy Burrows said, ’You had the part right then.’ ”
During his long career, Harrison Ford has collected lots of funny stories. In some of them, he was a prankster and in others, he was a victim. On the set of Star Wars, Ford hid naked in Carrie Fisher’s (Princess Leia) closet and pretended to hang himself with his tie. During the filming of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, in the scene where Indy was tied to a pole and about to be whipped, instead of an ordinary “tormentor”, Barbra Streisand dressed in a leather dominatrix outfit and showed up on the screen saying, “It’s for all the money you’re going to make on Return of the Jedi.”
Too old for pranks? Not the late Alan Rickman. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, there was a scene where the whole school had to spend the night on the floor of the great hall. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) asked the director to put him near an actress he liked. Everything would’ve been great if it wasn’t for Rickman (Severus Snape) and Gambon (Professor Dumbledore) who decided they would plant one of those fart machines in his sleeping bag. “And they waited until like — the camera had come in for this huge dramatic developing shot, and then unleashed this tremendous noise in the great hall,” explained Radcliffe.
British actor, Dominic Monaghan who played the hobbit Merry in The Lord of the Rings, is a true prankster. But the crew had their limits and decided to take revenge on the jokester. Once, the actor and his friend Billy Boyd (Pippin) received a “reworked” script containing a new scene: Merry and Pippin fell down from a tree, their clothes caught on the branches, and they had to hold each other to keep warm. After a few awkward minutes on their way to shoot the scene, the joke was revealed.
Which story was the funniest? Do you like to pull pranks? Tell us in the comments down below!
This one was the funniest prank done by the actors, if you ask me ?