stop demonizing cats
10 Most Stubborn Cat Breeds That Are Hard to Deal With
The International Cat Association officially recognizes 71 breeds, but it is estimated that this number could be up to 100. However, 95% of domesticated cats are identified as having long or short hair. This doesn’t mean, though, that all cats are the same. Some breeds are more high-maintenance and stubborn than others. If you are a first-time cat parent, you may want to avoid 10 breeds that require way too much attention.
10. Havana Brown cats
This one is the least stubborn on our list, but don’t underestimate the Havana brown cat. With a life expectancy of 8–13 years, it is very mischievous and loves spending a lot of time with humans and other cats.
While it is not aggressive and will not bite or scratch you, it does have its unique quirks. As the CFA puts it, it must have the last word on everything. You may say no more food, but if it disagrees, you won’t hear the end of it.
9. Khao Manee cats
Khao Manee cats are usually white and have a life expectancy of 10–12 years. This breed is ancient and 100% natural, meaning it hasn’t been mixed with other breeds.
These cats are very curious and energetic and can keep playing all day long. They won’t rest until they explore every inch of your home. Whatever area you think is a no-go for them, they disagree. So, you should expect quite a few damages around the house.
8. Manx cats
The U.K. breed is known for its super short tail and various health issues. These cats are prone to various birth defects, including urinary tract infections, digestive issues, and even corneal dystrophy, which makes their eyes cloudy. Also, their unusually short tails can result in spine and nerve issues.
While they are not aggressive and quite playful, people and kids should be careful with their short tails not to accidentally touch them hard. Also, their thick coat is not hypoallergenic. This can be partially combated by regular brushing.
7. Balinese cats
Do you spend many hours of the day outside your home? If so, having a Balinese cat may not be a good idea. This breed demands a lot of attention and will follow you everywhere. Not only that, but they will make sure you know where they are, as they are very vocal and like to talk with their human friends.
However, don’t leave them alone for too long, as lack of attention will drive them to cause destruction around the house. Health-wise, they are prone to progressive retinal atrophy, asthma, and mediastinal lymphoma.
6. Siamese cats
Siamese cats are very social and athletic. The one thing they dislike is being left alone for long stretches of time. They will destroy whatever they can if they feel lonely. Also, when you finally get back, you should expect a long speech with their complaints.
If you have to leave for a few hours, make sure to have an abundance of toys around the house so they can occupy themselves. Additionally, they love food, so spread a few treats. You don’t want them to be both annoyed at you and hungry.
5. Tonkinese cats
Tonkinese cats feel like you are their servant, and they rule your house. They expect you to do whatever they want at all times. If not, they will simply make you regret it. How? They simply won’t stop meowing until they get what they want.
They are very playful and demand your attention 24/7. But the same old toys won’t keep them happy for long. Keep discovering new and interactive games so they are happy.
4. Singapura cats
Singapura cats have a varied life expectancy, from 9 to 18 years. While they are one of the smallest cat breeds, weighing only 5–8 pounds, they have enough energy to outplay a cat three times its weight. Sleeping all day isn’t their thing, and they want human interaction.
The positive thing is that they won’t destroy your house while you’re away. They’ll just explore every inch of it. Lastly, they won’t give up and will demand more playtime even if you say ’no’.
3. Oriental shorthair cats
This is probably one of the most stubborn cat breeds you can get. They are very clingy and will follow you around the house regardless of what you do. Also, they will keep meowing in your face until you guess what they need. They love spending time with people, though, because they adore the attention.
However, if you don’t show them the appreciation they want, they will act out. What does that mean? They will destroy things around the house until you notice and interact with them.
2. Sphynx cats
Due to their lack of fur, these cats have a really bad reputation for being aggressive. This couldn’t be further from the truth, though. Sure, they are not easier to deal with, but they love interacting with humans and love games. Additionally, they have large appetites and will demand more food than other cat breeds. That’s why you should feed them a bit more, but be careful of their weight.
Health-wise, pay attention to their hygiene, as they can’t absorb body oils. Therefore, you need to bathe them frequently and also clean their ears and nails.
1. Devon Rex cats
You know nothing about strong-willed cats unless you meet a Devon Rex breed. They do not stop bothering you until they get what they want. They can beg you forever for food and attention and are very vocal until you give it to them.
If you think that by ignoring them you teach them obedience, you are very wrong. They can and will become destructive if things don’t go their way.
If cats are not your bread and butter, and you are interested in getting a dog, you should also know that certain breeds are high-maintenance. So, if you are a first-timer, maybe you want to avoid them.

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