10 of the Richest Kids in the World Who Made Money All by Themselves

4 years ago

There are some kids in the world who made their millions way before they even got their driver’s license or graduated from high school. From YouTubers to gamers to bow-tie company owners, these kids became rich by choosing to never give up. With a pinch of desire and good luck — and, of course, a little help from their parents — they were able to pass the challenges that followed.

We at Bright Side chose a few successful kids to learn more about, and once you read their stories, you may start asking your kids for business ideas.

1. Ryan Kaji

A few years ago, Ryan, who was a preschooler at the time, loved watching YouTube videos about toy reviews, so he asked his parents to make him a channel. They agreed, but no one was watching the videos at first. However, his mom got an idea that brought her son success. She filmed him in a video playing with more than 100 toys from the Pixar series, Cars, and it went viral.

Today, he is 9 years old and one of the highest-paid YouTubers, making nearly $30 million. But 2020 isn’t the only year he managed to make it onto the list of highest-paid YouTubers — he earned big bucks in 2018 and 2019 as well.

2. Nastya

Anastasia Radzinskaya, who’s also known as Nastya on the Internet, is a kid YouTuber. She was born in Russia and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The doctors, at that time, were worried that she might never be able to speak.

In 2015, her parents decided to test their luck and took a leap of faith, selling their companies just to create and invest in the Like Nastya channel. Starting with filming her unboxing toys, Nastya now has lots of different kid-friendly content online with over 190.6 million subscribers on YouTube. In fact, she earned an impressive $18.5 million in 2020.

3. Matthew David Morris

Known as MattyBRaps or MattyB, Matthew David Morris started his journey to success when he began posting music videos on YouTube but as remixes from the original ones. The very first one he made was a cover of Justin Bieber’s “Eenie Meenie” when he was just 7 years old in 2010. In 4 years, his channel had a billion views.

It’s estimated that he’s worth $3 million, which he made through song purchases, ad revenue, and personal appearances.

4. Moziah Bridges

When Moziah Bridges was just a little boy, he loved to dress up. He even wore 3-piece suits when he was on the playground. However, he hated the bow ties that were sold in stores, so when he was just 9, he created a company to solve the problem.

Actually, when he got the idea, he got help from his grandmother who is a former seamstress. She taught him how to sew. With some additional help from his mom, he reached his goal. Now he makes bow ties, neckties, and other accessories with prices ranging anywhere from $15 to $50. In about 6 years, the company has sold products worth more than $600,000 in total.

5. Alina Morse

Alina found her sugar-free candy company when she was only 9, simply because her father told her that she shouldn’t eat candy because it would ruin her teeth. So she started learning and experimenting with sugar-free candy recipes by watching YouTube videos.

When she was 13-years old, she started her Zolli Candy company right out of her home kitchen, and in 2018, she made $6 million! Alina was able to prepare for meetings with retailers around the world and manage 6 employees all in-between dance practices and middle school classes. Her company became “number one” at selling sugar-free candy.

6. Nick D’Aloisio

Nick D’Aloisio taught himself how to write software when he was 12. At the age of 15, he built a free iPhone app called Summly. This app automatically summarizes news stories, which is great for small screens. Later, when he was 17, he sold his app to Yahoo! Inc. for nearly $20 million. After the deal took place, the app was eventually taken down, but it had already been downloaded almost 1 million times.

7. Kyle Giersdorf

At only 16 years old, Kyle became an instant millionaire when he won the Fortnite World Cup that was held in New York. He won $1.8 million of the $3 million prize pool. Before his success, he was just another boy who was looking for inspiration through streaming channels. In a way, this helped him to evolve as a gamer.

8. Evan

Evan’s story started when he was just 5 years old. Together with his father, Evan created a stop motion recording with some Angry Birds toys. He just wanted to show off the video to his family and friends but it turned out to be entertaining for more people than he expected.

By 2015, he had millions of views and made about $1.3 million per year. Today, Evan and his family have 5 YouTube channels, collectively.

9. Farrhad Acidwalla

Farrhad is now 27 years old but has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade now. It all started when he was just 13 years old. He borrowed $10 from his parents to start an online community about aero-modeling and aviation. After some time, he sold his project to a fan for about $1,200.

A few years later, when he was 16, he used $400 to start his own business (Rockstah Media), which focuses on branding, advertising, and web development. Today, his net worth is estimated to be $4 million.

10. Isabella Barrett

Starting her career on TLC’s Toddlers & Tiaras, she became a self-made millionaire by the time she was 6 years old. Now she’s a teenager and owns 5 brands. Se also dresses many of the top teen celebrities.

When she was asked what drives her these days, she said she gets motivated when seeing other teens and kids who do even bigger things than she does.

Do you know someone who’s trying to make a career out of gaming or YouTube? What’s your child’s dream?


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I wish I am a YouTube (popularity don't ask me why I just love it) but I want to be a model, or an actress or both of them or a singer
model 100000000000000℅
actress 10000℅


And here I am, a grown a** adult, jealous of those little kids who earn more money in a week than I'll ever get in a decade.


I'm not sure how I feel about those rich youtuber kids because I know that most of the content they produce doesn't hold any value for me. However, those children that actually create something by themselves are awesome


this is actually so inspiring, I want to start some own business of mine too


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