12 Wrong Number Calls That Took an Unexpected Turn

Life has a way of catching us off guard, turning ordinary moments into unforgettable memories that stay with us forever. These 10 stories take unexpected and dramatic turns, filled with twists that no one saw coming — and they’re bound to leave you speechless too.
I was on the train and the girl next to me opened up Tinder. I’m squinting my eyes to watch her phone. She’s swiping like no tomorrow. I’m thinking ’quite a choice selection’. Suddenly, I pop up on the radar. I thought I deleted Tinder months ago. I’m confused, uncomfortable, and working up a sweat. She looks through my photos and zooms in on a picture of my dogs. Tilts her phone to admire their fur. Flicks through one more time and swipes left.
iamharru / Reddit
Once, I got invited to spend the night at a popular girl’s house. I knew she liked playing hide and go-seek from listening to conversations she had with her real friends. I was determined to play the best game she’s ever played. She hid first and I found her relatively fast.
Then I hid. I climbed into the bottom of a closet in their basement, covered myself up with the contents of said closet, and promptly fell asleep. I woke up hours later after the police had been called and they were outside searching the neighborhood. I was never invited back. Still, the best nap I ever had.
Odd_Performer2296 / Reddit
I was getting screamed at in a meeting by some marketing guy who was demanding my technical group perform magic on a completely unrealistic schedule with almost no resources. Screaming at me in front of my peers, calling me incompetent, “Just do your job”, all of that.
I said I refused to be talked to like that and left the meeting. If you just get up and leave these types of meetings, you’re fired. Boss scheduled a meeting with me later in the afternoon. Figured I’d be walked out, but was told they fired the marketing guy. Pretty happy, it’s been a solid place to work ever since.
sadpanda___ / Reddit
When I was in college a pretty attractive girl in one of my classes asked me to a party. Turns out it was a “Bring the ugliest guy” themed party. In her short-sightedness, she forgot that I was the curve setter in the class and that her source of notes and class details was indirectly me. She failed a required class and that threw her off a year.
Burning_Monkey / Reddit
In middle school, I had a friend who was very good at literature. He used to come very late. Once he was late for the math class for about 35 minutes, so when he came in, the teacher, started shouting at him. I remember she was saying something like, “Do you get any medals or diplomas for this? Then why are you doing this?”
Just at that moment, a literature teacher comes in, searches for my friend in a classroom, and gives him a medal. Later it was revealed that he got a bronze medal in the local literature contest. The coincidence of these moments was hilarious.
northern_hero / Reddit
I was at Disneyland with my parents when I was super young, and I somehow made a game out of banging my parents’ bums like drums. So we ended up in a big ol’ crowd of people, and I started banging the drums. Turns out I was drumming on some stranger’s butt, as my parents caught me in the act from behind and pulled me away, and apologized to the beaten stranger.
Exastiken / Reddit
I worked at an ice cream parlor and once had a guy give me a 20 and tell me to pay for the next person. The next person was a grumpy old man who told me off and said he could pay for himself.
Soggy******dude / Reddit
The last time I was at my doctor’s office I was kept waiting in the exam room for a long time. Like long enough to go through all three magazines in the room. Eventually, severe boredom set in and I started looking for other things to do.
There was a scale in the corner. I started with my shoes and eventually moved on to the magazines and my clothes. When I ran out of personal stuff, I decided that I would like to know how much a chair weighs, so on the scale it went.
This is the exact moment the doctor and her resident decide to enter the room. There I am wearing nothing but a hospital gown and socks balancing a chair on the scale. A doctor’s office chair weighs 8lbs.
linds360 / Reddit
Age 12 and had to go onto the stage in front of the school to receive a certificate. The teacher announcing my name drew attention to the fact that I was the only male in the school choir. School laughs. I hold my head high, trying to keep some fraction of my dignity intact. That is when I tripped on the last step and fell face-first onto the stage.
Phoboss / Reddit
In third grade, I would always sit and read by myself before the bell rang. The other kids made fun of me for reading, so my solution? I made cat noises at them. Like hissed and stuff. Yep. That’s what 8-year-old me came up with. It did not do wonders for my popularity.
wiggly*** / Reddit
Life has a way of delivering moments so unpredictable they feel straight out of a sitcom. In this article, we found 10 stories where the plot twists were so wild, that no one saw them coming. Together, they show that life’s unscripted moments are sometimes the best entertainment of all.