10 People Whose Plans Crumbled Faster Than You Can Say “Bon Voyage”

month ago

You know that feeling when you think everything is going according to plan—until reality smacks you in the face like a rogue wave? Well, these people know it too well. Their carefully laid-out plans didn’t just go off track; they derailed spectacularly, leaving behind a trail of chaos and disappointment.

  • I realized my wallet was missing. I searched my purse frantically, but it was gone. The waiter asked if I needed help, and as I explained, a fellow tourist at the next table overheard. She offered to cover my bill and suggested we look for my wallet together.
    Later that evening, I discovered she had tricked me. She was distracting me while stealing my phone from my purse. My wallet turned out to be in the hotel room all along, but now I was left dealing with the loss of my phone, ruining the rest of my trip.
  • The week before my wedding my Mom confided in me that she was going to leave my Dad. My wedding day was the last day I’ve seen them in the same room together as she left him the day after I got married. My dad flipped out and spent my whole honeymoon calling and leaving voicemails of him sobbing. Was one of the worst weeks of my life. f***_dat_s***_ / Reddit
  • I had been planning this vacation with my best friend for months. We were so excited to finally get away.
    As we waited at the airport, my friend suddenly disappeared. I called and texted her frantically, but she didn’t respond. With our flight leaving in thirty minutes, I started panicking.
    Then, I saw her walking toward a different gate with a man I didn’t recognize. Confused, I ran up to them. When she saw me, she froze, her face pale.
    Turns out, she had secretly reconnected with her ex, and they planned a last-minute romantic getaway without telling me. I boarded our flight alone, but the whole vacation felt ruined. I couldn’t believe she’d done that to me.
  • On an overnight bus from Delhi to Dharmsala. (I am female and was 26 at the time.) We stopped at a gas station in the night so we could use a restroom. I was the last in line, and when I came out, the bus was taking off and headed back onto the highway.
    I sprinted after it screaming “No!” over and over at the top of my lungs. Someone must have heard or seen me and the bus stopped. I truly do not know what I would have done had I really been left behind. liabt / Reddit
  • Went to Cambodia for my brother’s wedding with my whole family. The plane there was great but over the course of a week and a half every single one of us got horrific diarrhea, heat exhaustion, sun burns and a million bug bites.
    My brother and his best friend were chained to the restroom on the day of the ceremony and only came out to change outfits and take pictures. I was hit on the way home...whole plane ride with horrible diarrhea. It sucked. The wedding was beautiful though at least. originaldrricco / Reddit
  • We went to the fire station in first grade. We were getting back on the bus and as I was going up the steps to board the bus, the kid in front of me turned around and vomited all over me. Had to spend the rest of the day at school and the walk home in vomit hair and clothes. TreeHuggerKatCo / Reddit
  • Went to Croatia three years ago, did a boating tour with a speedboat, everything great so far. When we were heading back on land the boat’s driver told us ’careful, it’s slippery’. What did my mom do?
    Get off the boat without help, fall and dump her handbag with two NEW Nikon cameras, two phones and her wallet into the Adriatic Sea. Got the bag back on land after some shenanigans, every piece of electronic broken, total damage easily 1500€. AureliaTheFox / Reddit
  • I twisted my ankle and messed up my foot the night before flying to France. Just so happened to be a trip where we had planned to visit many small towns and villages. It didn’t exactly ruin the vacation, but let’s just say being on crutches with a swollen foot while hobbling through many old cobblestone roads and paths isn’t all that fun. DevappaJi / Reddit
  • My dad went to a hotel once and checked in to a first-floor room. He went in the room, put his stuff down, opened the curtains...and a man was hiding there. My dad went, “Excuse me”, closed the curtains, got his stuff and left. Went to the front desk to explain that a man was hiding in his room.
    Turns out the guy had just robbed a place and somehow got into the room with an open window. arcant12 / Reddit
  • Going across the United States and getting stranded on my way home because I ran out of money, and have to hitchhike all the way back home. Aries_Forever / Reddit

Plans don’t always go as expected, but for some people, their vacations went so disastrously wrong that they’ll be haunted by them forever.


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